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Write the word ‘Aesthetics’ on a number large sheets of sugar paper.

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Presentation on theme: "Write the word ‘Aesthetics’ on a number large sheets of sugar paper."— Presentation transcript:

1 Write the word ‘Aesthetics’ on a number large sheets of sugar paper.
Graffitti carousel. Write the word ‘Aesthetics’ on a number large sheets of sugar paper. Students should choose a route to take. Red route – make words from the word ‘Aesthetics’ Black route – write what you know about the word Aesthetics and explain how it relates to web design.

2 Visual hierarchy – think back to the circles task
Visual hierarchy is the order that the human eye perceives (makes sense) of what it sees. The brain organises what it sees into one whole part. Things that are not connected to their surroundings stand out the most based on “physical characteristics”.

3 What is the Visual Hierarchy in the website below?
Group or pair task – answers are on the next slide

4 This is visual hierarchy done well.
The biggest eye catcher is the huge piece of meat (make me want it). Then the headline (say what it is). The call to action button (get it). Fourth place goes to a paragraph of text under the headline. Fifth is the free shipping banner. Last is the top navigation. This is visual hierarchy done well. Visual hierarchy answers



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