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Presentation on theme: "Graphing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Graphing

2 A visual display of data.
What is a graph? A visual display of data.




6 All Graphs include: Variable(s) The axis are ALWAYS labeled
A title (typically the independent variable vs the dependent variable)

7 Your Turn to create a Graph:
Objective: To be able to collect data, determine what type of graph to use based on the type of data collected, and plot that data into the correct graph type. Your Task: Choose one of the topics, that your teacher has available. Create choices for your peers to choose from, that correlate with your topic. Create no more than 5 choices. (Ex: favorite type of movie: comedy, action, romance, drama, I don’t like movies) Collect your data, by polling your classmates Enter the data onto a data table (you may use the back of this paper) Determine what type of graph would be best to represent your data Get a piece of butcher paper from your teacher Draw your graph Plot all your data Make sure to label everything Put everyone’s name on the back and turn it in

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