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DNA Structure Sides of the ladder are made of alternating sugar and phosphate pieces which are held together by strong oxygen bonds. Each “rung” of the.

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2 DNA Structure Sides of the ladder are made of alternating sugar and phosphate pieces which are held together by strong oxygen bonds. Each “rung” of the ladder is made up of two complementary bases Adenine bound to Thymine by weak hydrogen bonds DNA is a Double Helix,e a twisted ladder made from three main parts: Cytosine bound to Guanine DNA is made of Monomers called NUCLEOTIDES Each nucleotide has a sugar, Phosphate and base

3 DNA can replicate itself because of its base pairing
Since only one of the bases can pair with only one other of the other bases, each strand is a negative of the other The process of pulling the strands apart from each other and replacing each single strand with its complement is called REPLICATION

4 Replication #1 DNA Polymerase UNWINDS the DNA upstream UNZIPS the DNA
This site is known as the replication bubble

5 Replication #2 Complementary Bases begin adding into both sides of the DNA A binds with T, C binds with G (no other possibility because of the shape of the bases!)

6 Replication #3 Finally you have 2 identical copies of DNA
DNA Polymerase Proofreads the NTP’s after they are added (back on the 5’ end) and to clip out any that are incorrectly paired

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