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Creating a Social Media Plan

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Presentation on theme: "Creating a Social Media Plan"— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating a Social Media Plan

2 First, let’s take the pressure off.
You cannot do it all.

3 But you do need to do something.
65% of adults now use at least one social networking site* 90% of young adults are on social media. *“Social Media Usage, ,” Pew Research Center

4 You need a plan. What is it you want to accomplish?
What resources do you have to dedicate to social media? What are you doing now? How’s it working?

5 Know your audience Who are they? What channels are they using?
How are they using those channels?

6 Introduce yourself

7 What are you going to say?
Know the content you want to share…..and when you want to share it.

8 Engage Put the “social” in social media! Do unto others….
Know who’s doing the “doing.”

9 Track it. Many channels offer analytic tools.
Put them to good use and know how your efforts are working.

10 Other considerations…..
One account vs. multiple accounts per channel How many posts per day? Boosting posts

11 Final Thoughts

12 Questions?

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