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What It Means To Be One Of Us

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Presentation on theme: "What It Means To Be One Of Us"— Presentation transcript:

1 What It Means To Be One Of Us
The Polar Bear Way What It Means To Be One Of Us

2 Creating a PSA Learning Target: Students will demonstrate what The Polar Bear Way (Courageous, Passionate, and Relentless) means to them. Success Criteria: Students will submit a group video (Public Service Announcement) showing their understanding of the Polar Bear Way to the teacher via . Procedure: Students will watch these two videos: Students will break into groups of 3 or 4. Groups will create a video which represents what it means to be courageous, passionate, and relentless at North High School. Please turn in your video by ing it to your teacher. A winning group will be selected for each grade and prizes will be awarded!

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