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Guidance tools.

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1 Guidance tools

2 environment The physical environment should tell children clearly how to act in the space. Child sized equipment should be used and materials and equipment should be age appropriate and interesting.

3 Body expressions and attitude
Sit, squat, or kneel—get down to their level. Making full use of the senses can soften the impact of words. Eye contact is essential. Attitude Attitudes are derived from experience and are part of the unspoken language of guidance.

4 Active listening Listening carefully, trying to understand what the child is saying beyond words being used.

5 ignoring When misbehavior is of a less serious nature.

6 Redirection and distraction
Changing the activity in which a child is engaged to a more acceptable one.

7 reinforcement The process in which a behavior is followed by a consequence that is likely to make the behavior repeated.

8 Active problem solving
Engages children in confronting their differences and working together to solve their problems.

9 Offer choices Choices help children practice self-reliance, self-direction, and self-discipline.

10 Natural consequences Enhances children’s ability to take responsibility for themselves.

11 Logical consequences A commitment to follow through; consequences, once stated, must be enforced.

12 “I” messages Honest non-judgmental statements that place no blame on the child but that state an observation of the behavior and its results.

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