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6 Kingdoms of Life Use the information provided in this presentation to complete your 6 Kingdom chart.

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Presentation on theme: "6 Kingdoms of Life Use the information provided in this presentation to complete your 6 Kingdom chart."— Presentation transcript:

1 6 Kingdoms of Life Use the information provided in this presentation to complete your 6 Kingdom chart

2 Click through the following Slides to gather information
Bacteria are so diverse they are divided into 2 kingdoms: Archaebacteria & Eubacteria Click through the following Slides to gather information P.S. YOU MIGHT NOT USE ALL THE INFORMATION

3 Archaebacteria & Eubacteria
Single celled Prokaryotic THE 3 SHAPES OF BACTERIA

4 How do Archaebacteria & Eubacteria reproduce?
Sexual Asexual - fission

5 Archaebacteria & Eubacteria
Movement Move with a Flagella (tail)

6 How do archaebacteria & eubacteria get energy?
Autotrophs Heterotrophs

7 Other Characteristics
Archaebacteria –Live in “EXTREME” places: hot, cold, salty, no oxygen, etc. Eubacteria- Live everywhere!

8 Examples… Lactobacillus = yogurt (eubacteria) E. coli = archaebacteria
Leprosy = disease (eubacteria)

9 What is a Protist?
Diverse organisms that live in moist areas Divided into three groups: Animal-like Plant-like Fungus-like Click through the following Slides to gather information

10 What is the structure of Protists?
Eukaryotes Single celled or Multicellular

11 How do Protists reproduce?
Sexually & Asexually

12 Yes with flagella or tiny hairs called cilia
Can Protist Move? Yes with flagella or tiny hairs called cilia

13 How do Protists Get Energy?
Autotrophs & Heterotrophs

14 Other Characteristics of Protist
Live in moist areas Source of food for aquatic organisms

15 Examples of Protist Paramecium Amobea Euglena

16 Click through the following Slides to gather information
The Fungus Among us ☺ Click through the following Slides to gather information

17 What is the structure of Fungi?
Eukaryotic Unicelled OR Multicelled

18 How do fungi reproduce? Asexual Sexual

19 Can Fungi Move? NO

20 How do fungi get energy? Heterotrophs Decomposers

21 Other Characteristics of Fungi
Cell walls made of chitin. Used in Foods Can cause disease

22 What are some examples of Fungus?
Mushrooms Molds – molds Lichen- Lives on trees. Pollution kills it. Good indicator of air pollution Athletes foot

23 Click through the following Slides to gather information
Plantae Kingdom Click through the following Slides to gather information

24 Plantae Kingdom Multicelled Eukaryotes

25 How do plants reproduce?
Sexually Asexually

26 Can Plants Move NO

27 How do they get their energy?

28 Other Characteristics of Plants
Cell Walls made of cellulose Photosynthesis to make food

29 Vascular plants= have roots
Examples of Plants Vascular plants= have roots Nonvascular= NO roots

30 Click through the following Slides to gather information
Animal Kingdom Click through the following Slides to gather information

31 Animal Kingdom Multi celled Eukaryote

32 How do animals reproduce?

33 Can Animals Move? Yes- a variety of ways

34 How do animals obtain energy

35 Other characteristics
No cell walls Some have backbones- vertebrates

36 Make sure you have a complete chart!!
GREAT WORK! Make sure you have a complete chart!!

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