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Googa Mooga (Old Stone Age).

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1 Googa Mooga (Old Stone Age)

2 Lesson One Review Where did archeologists find ancient
remains from the Old Stone Age? Another name for the Old Stone Age is the _____________. Compare and contrast the technology of the OSA to modern day technology.

3 Why was Border Cave a good place for the
tribes to live? I hunt animals and gather plants for food. What am I? List 3 ways that show the people of the OSA appreciated beauty.

4 Lesson 2 Stone Age Technology
Technology included – wood, stone, and bone tools. (Knives,axes,spears, Arrows, etc.) They sharpened their tools by flaking.

5 Technology Fire – cooking, warmth, making tools.
Shelter – became more permanent. Went from living in caves to building more sturdy homes. Tools – Metal was discovered and used to make stronger tools. Animals – thread, shelter, clothes, paint, tools, etc.

6 Flaking vs. Hafting Flaking is the chipping process that
sharpens the end of tools. Hafting is the process that attached a handle to the tools. The first handles were made of bundles of grass and leaves and later animal parts. It gave the tools a faster swing.

7 Map of Catal Huyuk

8 Actual Cave Painting found in Catal Huyuk by archeologists
Actual Cave Painting found in Catal Huyuk by archeologists. The bull was a religious symbol showing strength.

9 This flint dagger was uncovered
in a recent excavation.




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