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The Planets.

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Presentation on theme: "The Planets."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Planets

2 Terrestrial Planets Mercury: 0.383rE 0.055mE Smallest planet
No atmosphere Too close to sun: burned off Many craters No atmosphere to burn meteors Many asteroids pulled into sun 0.383rE 0.055mE

3 Terrestrial Planets Venus: Most like Earth in size
Large Greenhouse Effect Due to carbon dioxide Hottest Planet Closest to Earth 0.95rE 0.815mE

4 Terrestrial Planets Earth: Only planet with liquid water
Perfect location from sun Largest terrestrial planet

5 Terrestrial Planets Mars: “the Red Planet” 2 small moons 0.53rE
Due to iron oxide (rust) 2 small moons 0.53rE 0.107mE

6 Gas Giant Planets Note: ALL gas giant planets have rings! Jupiter:
Largest planet Great Red Spot Giant Storm Many Moons Some almost Earth’s size 10.97rE 318mE

7 Gas Giant Planets Saturn: 2nd Largest planet Visible Rings Most Moons
1000s of them Made up of rocks and ice Most Moons Less dense than water 9.14rE 95.2mE

8 Gas Giant Planets Uranus: Rotates sideways Neptune’s “twin” 3.98rE

9 Gas Giant Planets Neptune: Furthest planet Great Blue Spot
Giant Storm Coldest Planet 3.86rE 17.1mE

10 Pluto Not considered a planet anymore Now a Dwarf Planet 0.181rE

11 Other Dwarf Planets There are 5 dwarf planets in total right now.
The largest is Eris (0.182rE, mE) which is almost 100 AU from the Sun. The closest is Ceres, in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

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