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Presentation on theme: "RUSSIA – A BACKGROUND PRE – REVOLUTION."— Presentation transcript:


2 By the 20th Century A major crisis was due and had to happen
Russia was an unfair society and needed social, economic and political reform. WHY????

3 Political Nicholas II – autocratic and ineffective
Ruled a country covering one-sixth of the earth’s total land surface Massive personal wealth Backed by an army of 1million and secret police (OKHRANA) Political parties banned – critics ended up in prison or exile Press was censored

4 Yet Many Russians worshipped the Tsar and peasants
typically had a picture of the Tsar on a wall of their hut.

5 His rule His word was law He appointed his ministers
But did not have to listen to them AND could ‘hire and fire’ them at will He was a true autocrat.



8 Russia was….. Only 40% ethnic Russians
80% were peasants – subsistence farmers 60%+ = illiterate Life expectancy = 40 Low tech and low investment Land ownership rare Land owned by OBSCHINA (Commune) It also organised taxes and allotted strips of land to each household

9 Peasants cont’d Peasants could not leave the commune without the consent of the elders Discipline and punishments harsh – even to exile in Siberia Drought and crop failure common 1891 = famine + cholera and typhus = 400,000 dead 1890 – 64 % of peasants called up for military service were declared unfit.

10 YET..Yet… Some did prosper and it was generally the shortage of land rather than shortage of food that was the irritant. Rural population grew but land owned by peasants and land size failed to keep pace. Faith in Tsar remained strong BUT hunger for land would grow.

11 Industrial and urban Russia had grown industrially but living and working conditions were horrendous Average working day was 14 hours Trade unions banned but some strikes took place Potential for hotbed of political activism


13 Unrest prior to 1905 The passivity of the Russian people had limits
May 1896 – riots in St. Petersburg Street demonstrations in Rostov on Don arson of manor houses in rural areas became commonplace 1904 – Viacheslav Plehve – Minister of the interior assassinated by Social Revolutionary

14 Summary – 3 Major Russian Problems
Industrialisation Labour – Industrial Workers Peasants

15 Description of Parties
Constitutional Democratic Party (Cadets) * wanted to see Russia established as a democratic republic governed by a constitution and an elected parliament

16 Description of Parties
Social Democratic Party * in 1903 it split into two factions, the Mensheviks led by Maltov and the Bolsheviks led by Lenin Mensheviks – less radical than Bolsheviks, supported idea of socialist party that was open to all who wished to join and would be ruled/organized in democratic manner Bolsheviks – Favoured closed party consisting of and run by professional revolutionaries. Favoured dictatorship , emphasis on working class

17 Descriptions of Parties
Socialist Revolutionary Party * more moderate than Bolsheviks but less so than Mensheviks * drew support from peasantry * popular, yet after revolution Bolsheviks abandoned SR when they enjoyed a major victory in elections

18 Description of Parties
Soviets * were governing bodies, similar to labour unions * popular among socialist parties * group of marxist revolutionary workers called themselves the Petrograd Soviets


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