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Our Solar System and Planets

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Presentation on theme: "Our Solar System and Planets"— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Solar System and Planets

2 Our Solar System Each of the 8 planets in our solar system are unique.

3 Our Solar System They are different in their: Size Motion Temperature
Substances they are made up of Gravitational field strength

4 Our Solar System Orbit – Is the path that the planets follow (revolve) around the Sun.

5 Types of Planets There are two main categories of planets:
Inner Planets Outer Planets

6 1. Inner Planets Also called Terrestrial Planets.
Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. Composed of rock and metal Slow rotation Solid surfaces No rings Few satellites.

7 2. Outer Planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.
Also called Gas Giants –atmosphere is made up mainly of gases – hydrogen and helium. Lack solid surfaces Fast rotation Many Rings and satellites

8 The 8 Planets and Pluto 

9 Mercury #1 Smallest planet Closest to the sun Orbit is only 88 days
Surface temp -173 to 427°C No Atmosphere Lots of craters

10 Venus #2 Almost the same size as earth Slowest rotation
Hottest planet surface temp = 377 to 487°C Runaway green house affect

11 Earth #3 Tilted on its axis 23° Mild greenhouse effect
Water in all three states Only planet with life One moon

12 Mars #4 About ½ the size of earth 25° tilt on its axis
A year = 687 earth days Very cold -83 to -33°C Thin atmosphere No liquid water Two moons

13 Jupiter #5 Largest planet in our solar system 11x larger than earth
Similar make up to a solar nebula, but much smaller, mostly H and He On day = 10 earth hours One year = 12 earth years 63 moons and counting Big red spot is a storm

14 Saturn #6 9x size of earth Mostly H and He Cold 56 moons and counting
29 year orbit Famous rings

15 Uranus #7 (yes funny, I get it!)
First planet discovered with a telescope 4x size of earth Mostly ices with little H and He Blue from methane 11 rings 27 moons 84 year orbit Spins on axis 90°

16 Neptune #8 Also a methane atmosphere so appears blue 4 rings 13 moons
165 year orbit

17 Pluto 2/3 size of earth’s moon
Downgraded from a planet to a dwarf planet Light from sun takes 5.5 hours to reach it Mostly rocky, methane and ice

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