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How did the Revolution Lead the Colonies Towards Independence?

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Presentation on theme: "How did the Revolution Lead the Colonies Towards Independence?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How did the Revolution Lead the Colonies Towards Independence?

2 It Begins! British an American soldiers met on Lexington Green in Massachusetts British commander told the Americans to leave and told his soldiers not to fire Someone fired!- called the shot heard round the world as this was the start of the Revolutionary war ITS ON!

3 The Continental Army Revolutionaries were able to put together a sizable force to combat the trained British soldiers George Washington was made commander of the Continental army Later he would become the first president of the US

4 Women in the Revolution

5 Supporting the Boycotts
Patriot women helped support the boycott on British goods by weaving, and spinning their own cloth to make clothing for their families. Served the Continental Army by producing needed clothing and blankets Betsy Ross made the American flag

6 Camp Followers These women followed the Continental Army; serving the soldiers and officers as washerwomen, cooks, nurses, seamstresses, supply scavengers, and occasionally as soldiers and spies.

7 Women at War They would often disguise themselves as men to fight in battle Fought with muskets, bow and arrows, or a cannon. Others used pitchforks to fight hand to hand

8 Why Stay Loyal? Americans wanted to secure the Northern boarder from a British attack 1775 American armies attacked yet failed to take Quebec This failure helped to convince Canadians to stay loyal to Britain

9 Declaration of Independence

10 Declaration of Independence
A revolutionary document that proposed that a new nation, the US, would be based upon the belief that all people have rights that no government can take away 13 regarded themselves as independent and no longer a part of the British Empire Declared all men are created equal

11 Declaration of Independence: Legacy
Inspired the French Revolution to overthrow King Louis XVI less than 20 years later in 1792 It would be used to support the rights of women, workers , and minority groups in the US It would be used to support the abolition of slavery in the US

12 The End of the American Revolution
The Declaration did not end the war The war continued for another 7 years! The balance tilted in favor of the Americans when Spain and France joined on the side of the Americans The British lost a whole army at the Battle of Yorktown in 1781 and surrendered soon after

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