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The American Revolution

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1 The American Revolution
In Three Easy Parts

2 Part I- The Colonies Get mad
England turns to the Colonies for funding Stamp Act- required the purchase of specially stamped paper for legal documents Townshend Acts- Duties on imported goods, including tea Tea Act- gives advantages to English tea producers Colonists protest- Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party

3 Part I- The Colonies Get mad
England reacts to protests The Intolerable Acts- shut down Boston harbor, forced colonists to quarter troops, imposed martial law on Boston

4 Part I- The Colonies Get mad
First Continental Congress demand rights, step up militia formation Clash at Lexington and Concord Bunker Hill- deadliest battle Second Continental Congress creates the Continental Army, drafts the Olive Branch Petition, a last-ditch attempt to avoid war

5 Part II- The English Get Serious
July 4,1776- The Declaration of Independence The first true battles of the Revolutionary war were hard losses for the Continental Army- New York, Philadelphia, Charles Town A few wins such as Trenton and Saratoga keep hope alive Saratoga serves as a turning point

6 Part III- The Colonies Get Even
The French send over troops, strategists, turn the tide of the war (Marquis de Lafayette) The Continental victory at Yorktown breaks the resolve of the English Treaty of Paris ends the war in 1783

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