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Cumberland County Department of Social Services/Adult Services

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1 Cumberland County Department of Social Services/Adult Services
Sonya Hardy

2 Competency 8 Engage in policy practice to advance social and economic well-being and to deliver effective social work services

3 Analyze, formulate and advocate for policies that advance social well-being
As a Crisis Intake Social Worker Intern, I will explain to customers seeking financial assistance what the crisis intervention program is. I will inform all my customers what the General Assistance guidelines are. How it is determined if they are eligible for assistance. If the customer isn’t eligible, I will explain why their crisis doesn’t meet the General Assistance guidelines. As a Crisis Intake Social Worker Intern, I have to be familiar with the program guidelines before I can assist and provide information to my customers.

4 Collaborate with colleagues and clients for effective policy action
I will consult with my supervisors and other crisis social workers about my crisis assessments on a daily basis. . When deemed necessary, I will seek information, direction and understanding when I am presented with a crisis or situation that I have no knowledge of or unfamiliar with. Example- customer seeking financial assistance with crematory services. Not every day a customer comes in asking for assistance with cremating their loved one. I will have to gather information from my supervisor on the polices and procedures of crematory services

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