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Homework: maintenance sheet due Friday

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1 Homework: maintenance sheet due Friday

2 Georgia Standards Of Excellence
Learning Target: NS1: Computation with Rational Numbers (add & Subtract integers using a number line.)

3 Real Numbers- the set of all numbers
Learning Target: Classifying Real Numbers

4 (Q) (Q’) Integers (Z) Whole (N0) Natural (N)
Learning Target: NS1: Learning Target: Classifying Real Numbers )

5 Natural Numbers (N) “counting numbers” 1,2,3,…..
Learning Target: NS1: Learning Target: Classifying Real Numbers

6 natural numbers and zero
Whole Numbers N0 natural numbers and zero “0” Learning Target: NS1: Learning Target: Classifying Real Numbers

7 Learning Target: NS1: Learning Target: Classifying Real Numbers

8 Whole numbers and their opposites “positive and negative numbers”
Integers (Z) Whole numbers and their opposites “positive and negative numbers” …-4,-3,-2,-1 Learning Target: NS1: Learning Target: Classifying Real Numbers

9 Rational Numbers (Q) Integers, fractions, perfect squares and cubes terminating and repeating decimals Learning Target: NS1: Learning Target: Classifying Real Numbers

10 Irrational Numbers(Q’)
Cannot be expressed as a fraction, non-repeating and non-terminating decimals, non-perfect squares Learning Target: NS1: Learning Target: Classifying Real Numbers

11 Learning Target: NS1: Learning Target: Classifying Real Numbers

12 Learning Target: NS1: Learning Target: Classifying Real Numbers
Term: Zero Pair Definition: Picture: Sentence: Examples: : 2 + (-2) = = 𝟐 𝟑 + 𝟐 𝟑 = a pair of numbers whose sum is zero I have two dollars. I went to the candy store and spent two dollars. Now I have zero dollars.

13 Learning Target: NS1: Learning Target: Classifying Real Numbers
Term: Additive Inverse Definition: Picture: Sentence: Examples: : What is the additive inverse of……..? 4 _____ ______ ______ _______ The sum of a number and its opposite. The additive inverse is like an opposite. The sum of a number and its additive inverse is always zero.

14 NS1: Learning Target: Classifying Real Numbers

15 Adding and subtracting integers

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