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Name the type of irony being used

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1 Name the type of irony being used
Irony Practice Name the type of irony being used

2 Name the Irony Type If you have a fear of long words, you must tell people that you are Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobic.

3 Situational irony It is unexpected that someone with a fear of long words would have to name their fear with a long word.

4 Name the Irony Type Mother: “I see you ironed your shirt.”
Boy: “But I just dug it out of the bottom of the hamper.”

5 VERBAL IRONY The mother is being sarcastic when she says he ironed his shirt. It must be very wrinkled since he just took it out of the bottom of the hamper, so she means the opposite of what she says.

6 Name the Irony Type The girl runs into the house to escape the killer, but the killer is inside the house, and the audience knows it.

7 Dramatic Irony We know that the killer is inside. The character doesn’t.

8 Name the Irony Type A person Tweets about how Twitter is a waste of time and energy.

9 Situational Irony It is unexpected for a person who thinks Twitter is a waste of time to use Twitter.

10 Name the Irony Type You comment on the beautiful weather you’ve been having just five minutes before a tornado rips through your house.

11 Verbal irony A tornado is about to hit your house, so when you say that the weather is beautiful. You don’t mean it.

12 Name the Irony Type In the Lion King, the audience knows that Scar has skilled Mufasah but none of the lions know it.

13 Dramatic Irony The audience knows that Scar is evil, but the lions do not.

14 Name the Irony Type I tell the class that you all did a terrible job on the vocab test when everyone made a 100.

15 Verbal Irony Everyone did an excellent job, so I don’t mean it when I say they were terrible.

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