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Ch. 11-5: World War I Wilson said- “The world must be made safe for democracy” Factories organized to produce war goods Food Supply- organized by H. Hoover.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch. 11-5: World War I Wilson said- “The world must be made safe for democracy” Factories organized to produce war goods Food Supply- organized by H. Hoover."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch. 11-5: World War I Wilson said- “The world must be made safe for democracy” Factories organized to produce war goods Food Supply- organized by H. Hoover and provided the troops with food



4 Women and minorities replaced the men in the factories
Weapons- tanks, poison gasses, and machine guns all changed military tactics War fought in trenches (ditches) little land was gained







11 Women at Work

12 Armistice November 11th 1918- Veterans Day the war ends
Selective Service Act- male citizens had to register for the draft


14 Espionage and Sedition Acts
Imprisoned and fined anyone that opposed the war in any way Civil liberties are severely limited during times of war Schenck v. U.S. best example


16 1st Red Scare Nativists feared radical thinkers (Reds) later Communist
Palmer Raids- arresting those suspected of being disloyal to the U.S.

17 Post War Peace Efforts Fourteen Points- Wilson’s peace plan that he hoped would create a just and lasting peace Allies sought revenge against Germany for all of the destruction of the war Germany had surrendered hoping for a peace plan similar to the Fourteen Points


19 Treaty of Versailles Independent Poland
Germany had to pay war reparations Germany had to disarm and accept the war guilt clause (blame for the war) Created the League of Nations

20 Treaty of Versailles was very harsh on Germany and led to widespread resentment towards England, France and even the U.S. The treaty crippled Germanys economy for the 1920s and led to the rise of Hitler League of Nations- the worlds 1st peace keeping organization


22 US Opposition to the T of Versailles
Many senators were angry at Wilson for ignoring them during the peace efforts Many felt the League of Nations would lead to U.S. involvement in another world war Treaty defeated in the Senate b/c of the League of Nations



25 More Peace Efforts Washington Naval Disarmament Conference- reduced the size of the worlds navies Kellogg-Briand Pact- made war illegal Both attempted to prevent future wars but failed U.S. was neutral again

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