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Career Research 10/2/13.

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Presentation on theme: "Career Research 10/2/13."— Presentation transcript:

1 Career Research 10/2/13

2 Warm-up In a previous class period, you learned about the six different career categories. Which 2 categories do you feel best fit your skills and interests? Explain why. Realistic: fire fighter, landscaper, mechanics Investigative: Doctors, engineers, city planners Artistic: Designers, editors, writers Social: Child care, massage therapists, fitness trainers Enterprising: Real Estate agent, Lawyers, Chief Executives Conventional: Billing, Secretaries, Bank Tellers

3 Key boarding Practice Go to The funtypiinggame website
Choose the typing practice. You have 5 minutes to practice typing

4 Complete your Research
Using the college in Colorado website, complete your career report summary sheets for each career you chose. Directions for how to find information in each category are on SH Pare 16. If you cannot find or want additional information, feel free to find other sites that can tell you more about your chosen careers. 30 minutes

5 Day in the Life Whether or not you enjoy a career often boils down to the day to day activities of that job. Think about the major activities you took part in yesterday. Which ones did you enjoy? Which would you rather not repeat? Which are necessary? Which are for entertainment. Complete the Day in the life chart on SH 22 5 min

6 Day in the life Choose one of the careers that you researched.
Complete page 23 based on the information in the what they do page of your career report summary and your own experience.

7 Values Complete SH 24. What are values?

8 Values Complete SH 24. What are values?
Values are the beliefs or principles that guide how you live and act The code we live by

9 Comparing Values Each career area places an emphasis on a different set of values. Musician = Achievement, recognition, independence Assistants = Relationships, support Use the Is this for you page to determine if a careers values match up with your own by completing portfolio page 14

10 Career Report Prompt Choosing a career is a defining and nerve-racking part of the high- school/College experience. In fact, 50% of college students change their major at least once and many change their majors as many as 3 times. Gathering as much information about your interests and the careers you are considering will allow you to make the most informed decision. Write an essay in which you choose (of those you researched) the career you believe is the best fit for you. Justify your choice with evidence from you research including reasons the other careers are not a good fit. T = A = P = P =

11 Career Report Requirements
Outline 5 paragraphs minimum Typed, Times New Roman, 1 inch margins, double spaced Short bibliography at the end APA style Final draft and outline due Friday (upload to skydrive)

12 P1 = P2 = p2 P3 = P4 = P4 C =

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