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Trashketball! Unit 4 Test.

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Presentation on theme: "Trashketball! Unit 4 Test."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trashketball! Unit 4 Test

2 What was the decision in the McCulloch v. Maryland case?

3 Congress had the power to create a bank and Maryland could not tax the bank

4 What was the significance of the McCulloch v. Maryland case?

5 Federal government had more power over state governments,

6 What is the name of the newspaper written by William Lloyd Garrison?

7 The Liberator

8 What were the major ideas that were discussed in The Liberator?

9 Abolition of slavery

10 What is the American System?

11 Tariff, national bank, developing transportation (roads/canals)

12 What was the major result of the War of 1812?

13 Nationalism

14 What was the major issue that was debated as America moved west?

15 Slavery

16 What two countries were most immigrants coming from during the 1840s and 1850s?

17 Germany and Ireland

18 What group made up most of Andrew Jackson’s supporters?

19 Westerners, Farmers

20 What was Andrew Jackson’s response to the Supreme Court case Worcester v. Georgia?

21 Ignored it, Indian Removal Act

22 Discuss the northerner v. southerner opinion on tariffs.

23 Northerners- supported tariffs b/c they protected American industry; Southerners disliked because tariffs hurt farmers

24 What was Andrew Jackson’s response to the bank?

25 Vetoed, withdrew money and put into pet banks

26 Why did South Carolina threaten to secede?

27 Tariff of Abominations

28 What new innovations helped to link the nation together?

29 Railroads, roads, canals

30 What were the major issues that Northerners and Southerners disagreed on?

31 Slavery, tariffs, internal improvements, banks

32 Who was the Secretary of State under Monroe, and was influential in his policies?

33 John Quincy Adams

34 What was the Monroe Doctrine? Was it widely supported by Americans?

35 Warned European powers to stay out of western hemisphere, yes (nationalism)

36 Why was the Whig Party formed?

37 In opposition to Andrew Jackson’s policies

38 What were the major causes of the Panic of 1837?

39 Overspeculation, Jackson’s financial policies, failure of English banks

40 What was the Declaration of Sentiments?

41 Declared that men AND women were created equal, called for women’s rights

42 What major right were women fighting for?

43 Suffrage

44 What were prisoner reformers trying to change?

45 Cells were overcrowded and dirty, wanted to help prisoner

46 What area did most immigrants settle in during the 1830s?

47 Northeast

48 What were the major reasons for immigration to America during the 1830s?

49 Land of opportunity, overcrowded in Europe, Potato Famine, democratic revolutions

50 What were the causes of the War of 1812?

51 British land in America, impressment of soldiers, trade embargo

52 What groups supported the War of 1812? What groups were against it?

53 War Hawks, New England

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