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Wednesday February 11, 2015 SWBAT investigate famous cases involving hair evidence in order to present them to our class briefly. Then we will begin our.

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Presentation on theme: "Wednesday February 11, 2015 SWBAT investigate famous cases involving hair evidence in order to present them to our class briefly. Then we will begin our."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wednesday February 11, 2015 SWBAT investigate famous cases involving hair evidence in order to present them to our class briefly. Then we will begin our fiber notes Drill: How did the hair evidence in the Casey Anthony Trial impact the case?

2 Fiber Evidence

3 Natural Fibers - Animal
Derived from plant or animals Animal fibers comprise a majority of natural fibers found at crime scenes Examples of Animal Fibers Sheep (wool) Goats (mohair, cashmere) Camels, Llamas, Alpacas Fur Fibers - Mink, Rabbit, Beaver, Muskrat

4 Natural Fibers - Plant Cotton is the most prevalent plant fiber
White cotton fibers have no evidential value because it is so common

5 Two Types of Man-made Fibers
Regenerated Fibers Made from natural raw materials Examples: Rayon Acetate Triacetate Synthetic Fibers Made solely from synthetic chemicals Examples: Nylon Polyester Acrylics

6 Man-Made Fibers Rayon developed 1911 Nylon developed 1939
Today these fibers are prevalent and produced under a variety of names

7 Man-Made Fibers Man-made fibers are made by pulling a synthetic material into thin strands The synthetic material is a polymer A polymer is a chain of repeating units (monomers)

8 Forensic Identification
Naked-eye comparison of striations and pitting on surface of fibers Microscope comparison for color and diameter Match torn edges together Matched torn edges together is a virtual certainty that the fabrics were of common origin

9 Chemical Analysis – IR Chemical analysis of dyes in the fabric Infrared spectroscopy Compositional differences in the dyes can distinguish fibers Fibers will absorb infrared light in a characteristic pattern Infrared Spectrophotometry can identify generic classes and subclasses of fibers Does not destroy or damage the fiber

10 IR Spectroscopy

11 Chemical Analysis – Burn Test
To determine if the fabric is natural, man-made, or a blend Cotton: steady flame, smells like burning leaves Silk: burns readily and smells like burning hair, leaves crumbled ash behind Wool: similar to silk, but harder to ignite Polyester: melts Rayon: burns rapidly and leaves only slight ash Silk and wool are protein fibers

12 Collection & Packaging
When collecting sample clothing, it is vital that no two articles come in contact with each other If the sample is dry, it can be packaged in a pharmacy fold or plastic vial If the garment is wet it should be air-dried and then placed in a paper bag

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