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Period 3 Warm Ups and Activities

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1 Period 3 Warm Ups and Activities

2 Day 1 - Bellwork (11 min) Read through Period 3( ) BIG PICTURE on pages Make a T diagram noting Continuities and Changes over time. Continuities Changes

3 Day 2 Activity - CAUSATION
Effects of Silk Road S- social P-political I- interaction between humans and the environment C- cultural E- economic

4 Day 3 Bellwork- Indian Ocean Trade Map and Questions (10 min)
Using the hand drawn map with notes: answer the following questions: Describe examples of interactions you see in the Indian Ocean Basin What commodities were being transported through the Indian Ocean ? To where, from where? Make a chart The exchanges shown are called “Southernization” by Historian Lynda Shaffer. Why do you think this tem is used? Commodity To Where From Where

5 Day 3 Activity Read your excerpt silently. Annotate.
Answer the following questions as a group: (15 min) What is the main commodity being discussed in the reading? How did the exchange of this commodity shape regional politics? And/or how did politics shape this trade? Who benefited most by the trade of this commodity? (An individual? Ethnic group? Region?) How? What regions are mentioned and connected by trade in this reading? Find them on the map. Did the local people living in the regions discussed in this reading benefit from the trade? Why or why not?

6 Day 3 Activity Ext. Skit: The skit should describe what is being traded, who is trading it, and where it is being traded (source and destination) You cannot directly name the commodity being traded (horses, textiles, or pepper) or the specific names of the places involved in the trade. You must act out their own interpretation of the reading before the class so as to reveal the nature of the author’s argument. The class must guess what is being traded and what the main issue/argument is. You are allowed to use props, draw on the board, or hold up signs that reveal clues, but you should not name the trade.

7 Day 4 Activity- CCOT CCOT of the Sahara Geographic Area due to Trans-Saharan Trade ( ) S P I C E

8 Comparison Compare Eastern Trade Routes (Silk Road, Indian Ocean Trade, Trans- Saharan Trade) with Western Trade Routes (Americas) (pg )

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