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TOURIST Competence centres for the development of sustainable tourism and innovative financial management strategies to increase the positive impact of.

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Presentation on theme: "TOURIST Competence centres for the development of sustainable tourism and innovative financial management strategies to increase the positive impact of."— Presentation transcript:

1 TOURIST Competence centres for the development of sustainable tourism and innovative financial management strategies to increase the positive impact of local tourism in Thailand and Vietnam Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education Project Reference: EPP AT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Duration: 36 Months (15/10/ /10/2020) Project Management: FH JOANNEUM

2 Agenda for today Definitions of tourism Lunch break
Tools & methods: speed dating, brainstorming, discussion, short presentations Lunch break Tourism development in SEA, facts & figures Tools & methods: quiz, lifecycle, group work, gallery walk, discussion, cases

3 Topic 1 Definitions of Tourism

4 Learning Objectives of Topic 1

5 Learning Objectives of Topic 1
To create a common understanding of Learning Objective 1: tourism as a phenomenon   Learning Objective 2: the magnitude of tourism by studying tourism statistics   Learning Objective 3: the geographical components of the tourism system with main focus on the destination pull factors 

6 Common understanding of tourism as a phenomenon

7 Group Exercise 1: Definitions of tourism
Write down your own definition of tourism on a post it-note  The first idea that comes into your mind!  You have three minutes for this exercise The aim is to bring every participants’ ideas together and make them participate. Annika and Leena discuss all the papers through and group them to find: socio-cultural, economic, geographical viewpoints . At the end, a photo will be taken and it will be included on the next slide.

8 Group Exercise 1: Definitions of tourism
Choose one member of your university team  Please come in front of the class with all the definitions of your university team The aim is to bring every participants’ ideas together and make them participate. Annika and Leena discuss all the papers through and group them to find: socio-cultural, economic, geographical viewpoints . At the end, a photo will be taken and it will be included on the next slide.

9 Group Exercise 1: Definitions of tourism
University representatives Group your definitions of tourism according to the contents  Give descriptive headings to your definition groups Introduce the outcome for the whole group The audience Please help uni representatives: give suggestions You have ten minutes for this exercise

10 Thank you! These are your definitions of tourism 

11 The official definition for tourism

12 UNWTO definition “Tourism is a social, cultural and economic phenomenon which entails the movement of people to countries or places outside their usual environment for personal or business/professional purposes.”

13 The UNWTO definition in more detail
Domestic tourists  those travelling within their own country International tourists  those travelling to a country other than the one where they live, crossing borders, often different language, culture, currency, climate… Inbound / Incoming  non-residents travelling to a given country (compare international arrivals) Outbound / Outgoing  residents travelling abroad to other countries Same-day visitors (e.g. cruise passengers) vs. Overnight visitors (tourists >1 nt, but <1 yr) Not included in tourism statistics, e.g.: diplomats, refugees, nomads, armed forces.. Sources: UNWTO and Boniface, Cooper & Cooper 2016

14 Tourism statistics

15 International tourism in numbers


17 Food for thought: Tourism statistics vs other metrics
Tourist arrivals  Tourism expenditure Overnights Competitiveness rankings (WEF) Also important metrics would be Tourist and resident satisfaction Any other metrics?

18 The geographical components of the tourism system

19 Geographical components of the tourism system
Tourist-generating areas (demand) PUSH FACTORS Tourist-receiving areas (supply) PULL FACTORS Destination is the focus of the trainings Figure modified after Leiper 1979

20 Push factors Stage of economic development in generating areas (increasingly emerging markets) Income (personal and national; increases create demand for  travel) More time for leisure (holiday entitlement) and the demographic change ("silver market") Unfavourable climate at home Deregulation (LCCs, sharing economy: reduced fares and increased demand) Improved infrastructure, mobility and access(e.g. air routes, fast trains, car ownership) Improved education (broadens horizons, stimulates desire to travel) Political influences (relaxation of border controls) Globalisation and international trade  Urbanisation (from hectic traffic jams ”back to nature”, escapism) Technological development & digitalisation (access to media and multiple distribution channels) Sources: Boniface, Cooper & Cooper 2016; Skift 2018; Tnooz 2018; UNWTO 2018

21 Group Exercise 2: Brainstorming destination pull factors
Withing your team, discuss what are the main pull factors of your country. Choose the three most important ones!  You have five minutes for this exercise What are the main pull factors of your country as a tourism destination? This step can be omitted if there is no time

22 Group Exercise 2: Destination pull factors

23 Pull factors Accessibility (minimising time and distance; proximity of the destination to the origin of tourists) Attractions (diversity, level of uniqueness…USP=unique selling point) Nature-based attractions (climate, sea, forests, mountains, and local food) Culture-based attractions (cities, history, heritage, art, events, lifestyle, food) Amenities (amount and standard of services, e.g. accommodation, restaurants, activities, entertainment, shopping, tour options etc.) Favourable exchange rate and general price level Marketing and promotion (effectiveness of social media campaigns) Political influences (ease of obtaining visa; Schengen area) Health, safety, social stability in the destination and attitudes towards tourists Sources: Boniface, Cooper & Cooper 2016; UNWTO  Read about the latest statistics and state of the global tourism scene in UNWTO Tourism Highlights 

24 Additional Reading Materials

25 Bibliography Boniface, B., Cooper, R. & Cooper C Worldwide destinations: the geography of travel & tourism. UNWTO: Facts & figures and latest trends: Tourism Highlights Tourism glossary: WEF: WTTC:

26 TOURIST Competence centres for the development of sustainable tourism and innovative financial management strategies to increase the positive impact of local tourism in Thailand and Vietnam Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education Project Reference: EPP AT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Duration: 36 Months (15/10/ /10/2020) Project Management: FH JOANNEUM

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