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FCHS: World Literature & Composition A

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1 FCHS: World Literature & Composition A
Wednesday, 9/18 FCHS: World Literature & Composition A

2 Daily Agenda: Who is the better leader?
No bell ringer today! Fix desks. Turn in progress reports; they are due tomorrow Thursday, 9/19! Oedipus vs. Creon pp Oedipus Campaign Project: Day 1 of 2

3 Goals for today: Campaign Manager: Daily report due by end of class each day Researchers: You must gather all the information today; the speech writers, publicists, and negative ad writers are depending on you. Speaker: Help the researchers and speech writers prepare today! Speech Writers: You are actively working with the researchers. Also consider which types of appeals are effective. Hint: all of them  (Logos, pathos, ethos) Publicists/Web Designers: You are gathering information and creating your artistic propaganda (medium of choice with teacher approval). Collaborate with the researchers! Negative Ad Writers: You are gathering information and creating your artistic propaganda (medium of choice with approval). Collaborate with the researchers!

4 Tonight/Homework: Continue working on campaigns; for these to be worthy of a decent test grade, I need to see that you have invested time and energy to this project. Your grade not only affects you but also your entire group.

5 Tomorrow Complete all tasks for the campaign.
Create the order/line-up of your presentation. Write up personal reflections; each person is responsible for one! Present campaigns on Friday! What extra “bells and whistles” will give your campaign that extra vote to “win”?

6 Upcoming Dates: Progress reports due tomorrow, 9/19
Present campaign projects this Friday, 9/20 Monday, 9/23 picture retakes 1st-3rd period

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