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1600-1750 The Concert by Theodoor Rombouts courtesy of The Baroque Period.

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Presentation on theme: "1600-1750 The Concert by Theodoor Rombouts courtesy of The Baroque Period."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Concert by Theodoor Rombouts courtesy of The Baroque Period

2 What does “baroque” mean?
“barocco” = Italian for “imperfect pearl” This refers to a period that is bizarre, extravagant, complex, embellished

3 How were composers employed?
The Patronage System Photo courtesy of

4 How did a composer’s employment affect his music?
Had to please his employer Had to write music for a specific occasion

5 Where were the centers of musical development?
Italy Germany (Holy Roman Empire) Photos courtesy of and

6 J. S. Bach Photo courtesy of

7 Antonio Vivaldi Photo courtesy of

8 George Fridrich Handel
Image courtesy of

9 Finish the sentence “Music which is melodious yet so . . .
constructed as to reflect the ‘perfect order’ of the universe; that is the essence of the Baroque.”

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