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8.2 How We Use the Land Unit 8: Land April 16, 2009 Sanders.

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Presentation on theme: "8.2 How We Use the Land Unit 8: Land April 16, 2009 Sanders."— Presentation transcript:

1 8.2 How We Use the Land Unit 8: Land April 16, 2009 Sanders

2 Land Use in the United States

3 Harvesting Trees Trees have many uses.
Paper Furniture Lumber Fuel Some Trees are cut for the land that the forest is on public lands. Sanders

4 Deforestation Deforestation is the total removal of trees from a forest. This destroys habitat. Harms the soil, increases runoff. Sanders

5 Reforestation Replanting of trees so as not to destroy the forest habitat. Some times monocultures are planted. Can be at risk for disease. Sanders

6 Protecting Forests Replanting trees Selective removal of trees.
Not planting monocultures. Not cutting healthy trees. Sanders

7 Protecting Forests Proper land stewardship is important for the protection of land. Smokey the Bear was a symbol of forest care. Named for a bear rescued from a forest fire in Yellowstone. Sanders

8 Ranching Ranching requires large areas of land.
National Parks are often used with or without permission. Cattle replace native creatures for the niche. Sanders

9 Mining Mining is a means of extracting minerals from the ground.
Open mines Adit as seen at right. Sanders

10 Sanders

11 Effects of Mining Republic Mine as seen at right, mines hematite and magnetite. Ores or iron Mines must go through rigorous process before mining begins. Sanders

12 Effects of Mining Republic Mine as seen at right, mines hematite and magnetite. Ores or iron Mines must go through rigorous process before mining begins. Sanders

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