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Jefferson Alters the Course of the Nation

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1 Jefferson Alters the Course of the Nation
Chapter 6 Section 3

2 Jefferson Wins Presidential Election of 1800
Federalist, President John Adams v Democratic-Republican, Thomas Jefferson Jefferson received 8 electoral votes over Adams, but his running mate Andy Burr tied him for Presidency. Jefferson would win after the persuasion of Alexander Hamilton on the Federalist party. This made for the passage of the 12th amendment Electors would pass separate ballots for the POTUS and the VPOTUS

3 The Jefferson Presidency
Jefferson purged the White House of the Federalist and created a more balanced cabinet. While in Office Jefferson: Lowered Taxes Simplified Gov’t Shrunk the Army Promoted Free Trade He was also the first to live in the capital in DC. A move that showcased the importance of the south.

4 John Marshall and the Supreme Court
John Marshall: Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Federalist. Judiciary Act of 1801: Expanded the numbers on the Supreme Court to 16 Justices. Adams was able to stack the court with mostly federalist judges called the midnight judges.

5 The United States Expands West
The United States would eventually expand past the Appalachian Mountains This would include: Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Daniel Boone would be one of the most famous frontiersmen to help develop the wilderness road and discover the Cumberland Gap

6 The Louisiana Purchase
Spain owns the land that is now Louisiana and the surrounding area. Napoleon of France convinces them to give the land back to France. This frightens Jefferson and he sends Monroe to make a deal for New Orleans and Florida. Napoleon decides to sell the entire area to the US for $15million dollars. Jefferson would then send out Lewis and Clark to explore the land and look for resources.

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