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Budget Parameters 2019 - 2020 School Year January 31, 2019.

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1 Budget Parameters School Year January 31, 2019

2 Learning is influenced by environment.
Core Beliefs Kids come first. Continuous learning is essential to prepare for college and career opportunities. Each student’s success is the shared responsibility of students, families, schools and communities. Learning is influenced by environment.

3 Vision Northwest ISD empowers
learners and leaders to positively impact the world.

4 Mission Statement Northwest ISD, in collaboration with
students, families, communities, and global partners, will engage in a culture of learning that prepares all students to confidently navigate their future.

5 Strategic Goals Goal I Students will achieve success through meaningful learning experiences, innovative pathways, and personalized opportunities. Goal II Northwest ISD will recruit, value, and retain an exceptional staff to create a rewarding learning environment. Goal III Northwest ISD will create and foster an environment where all stakeholders are engaged in the transformational work of the NISD family.

6 Assessed Value of Taxable Property
Budget Parameters Revenue Assumptions Student Enrollment Assessed Value of Taxable Property CPTD Index Value 86th Texas Legislature

7 Budget Parameters Expenditure Assumptions Student Enrollment
Class Size Ratios Campus Staffing Formulas Fiscal Sustainability / Fund Balance




11 Northwest ISD General Fund Budget Looking Back
Year Current Expenditures Enrollment Revenues Over /Under Expenditures $141,130,355 18,893 $ 11,668,103 $155,714,477 19,760 $ 2,933,823 $169,856,645 20,900 $ ,374 $183,602,010 21,964 $ 3,282,999 $193,397,230 23,163 $ 3,954,256 $215,409,191 24,177 $ 6,607,307

12 Northwest ISD General Fund Budget Five-Year Financial Forecast
Current Expenditures Enrollment Chapter 41 Recapture Fund Balance Required $215,409,191 24,177 $ 4,228,736 $ 7,454,884 $221,718,773 25,324 $26,903,293 $22,524,712 $233,083,676 26,710 $39,393,238 $20,822,933 $245,081,871 28,187 $51,676,716 $27,715,515 $257,164,849 29,557 $64,609,886 $26,641,902 $269,153,140 30,916 $77,161,102 $35,254,026


14 Budget Calendar Budget Planning Budget Preparation Executive Cabinet Budget Review Board of Trustee Budget Review Budget Adoption Tax Rate Adoption Budget Amendments CAFR

15 86th Texas Legislature

16 Tax Ratification Election
Texas law requires school districts to calculate two tax rates – the effective tax rate and the rollback rate – after the district receives the certified appraisal roll or certified estimate of taxable value from the chief appraiser. Generally, if a school district adopts a tax rate above its rollback tax rate, it must hold an election to ratify that rate.

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