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Communism (USSR) Everyone is treated equally by the government.

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1 Communism (USSR) Everyone is treated equally by the government.
Personal rights and freedoms are reduced, as the government tells people what they can and cannot do. Everyone has a job and is paid about the same amount of money. Laws are oftentimes much more strict, as the government wants to make sure people act in a certain way. There is healthcare for everyone, as the government provides it. Everything belongs to the government- especially businesses. When you go to any store, there are fewer choices and things are a bit more expensive than they could be. There are many fewer choices when you buy things, as the government wants everyone to be equal and have the same/similar things.

2 What were the goals of theses two countries?
U.S.S.R. United States Containment: Do not let communism spread Assist countries to be democratic Wanted open trade policy Spread communism around the world Control all communist countries around the world Control trade of communist countries Review of economic terms

3 How were these two government economic systems set up?
Free Enterprise/Capitalism Communism People are free to own or work for a business of their choosing Consumers and business owners control the economy Also named capitalism This is the economic system of the United States Democratic: vote for leaders The government owns all the stores, factories, banks, utilities, transportation systems, etc. The government has complete control This is the economic system of the U.S.S.R. or Soviet Union Run by a dictator, People did not vote Shows the reasons we wanted to stop the spread of communism and interferes with American rights. Opportunity to review American liberties…due process, Constitution protects rights

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