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Agenda Go over Baldwin’s “If Black English Isn’t a language, Then, Tell Me, What Is?” Refresh Major/Minor premise Mini-lesson on Summarizing Summarize.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda Go over Baldwin’s “If Black English Isn’t a language, Then, Tell Me, What Is?” Refresh Major/Minor premise Mini-lesson on Summarizing Summarize."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda Go over Baldwin’s “If Black English Isn’t a language, Then, Tell Me, What Is?” Refresh Major/Minor premise Mini-lesson on Summarizing Summarize Baldwin I can write a concise summary with adequate detail.

2 Summary A summary is a synthesis of the key ideas of a piece of writing, restated in your own words – i.e., paraphrased.  You may write a summary as a stand-alone assignment or as part of a longer paper.  Whenever you summarize, you must be careful not to copy the exact wording of the original source. Let’s learn a little more about how to Summarize:

3 How do we Summarize? Questions to ask when you are summarizing:
What happened? What is essential to tell? What was the outcome? Who was involved? Why did this happen? Is that a detail or essential information? Why do we summarize: Connects reading and writing Things we can do as we read to help write a summary: annotating text; post-it strategies; re-reading; inferences

4 Summary according to Harvard
Read the article on Summary published by The Writing Center at Harvard

5 Steps to writing a good summary
Read (1st time) – focus on overall meaning (get the gist) Read (2nd time) – underline key words or phrases (identify the main ideas/major points) Delete or Cross out ideas that are not important to the main idea Delete or cross out repetitive information Simplify – use “flowers” instead of “roses, daisies, and daffodils” Write a topic sentence Add summary statements about key points that support the topic. Create a final draft Keep it simple and stick to the facts DO NOT include your opinion or comments about the information. Burns, Leslie D. (2013). “How to Write a Systematic Summary (That Increases Reading Comprehension).” Adapted from: Marzano, R., Pickering, D., and Pollock, J. (2004). Classroom Instruction that Works: Research Based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall,

6 Write a Summary of James Baldwin’s “If Black English Isn’t a Language, Then Tell Me, What Is?”
1st Reading – Focus on the overall main idea Using your handout, come up with the overall main idea (Major Premise) of the essay 2nd Reading – Focus on the key words and phrases What are the major the supporting ideas in the essay (Minor Premises)?

7 On your handout Delete or Cross out ideas that are not important to the main idea Delete or cross out repetitive information Simplify – use “flowers” instead of “roses, daisies, and daffodils”

8 Write a topic sentence Create a final draft
Add summary statements about key points that support the topic. Create a final draft Keep it simple and stick to the facts DO NOT include your opinion or comments about the information.

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