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By: Ryan, Calvin, and Austin

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1 By: Ryan, Calvin, and Austin
Genre By: Ryan, Calvin, and Austin

2 The hunger games is a scientific, yet futuristic genre
The hunger games is a scientific, yet futuristic genre. It was written for young adults, aswell as adults. The hunger games takes place in what's known as Appalachia, the 13 districts were forced to obey the capital and sacrifice their kids lives for the hunger games. When they rebelled in an all out war, the 13 district as obliterated, the other 12 were told that every year they had to continue to serve the capital, for their freedom.

3 Calvins Question and answer
Why would Suzanne Collins write the hunger games for young adults? Suzanne Collins made this book for young adults, because she wanted to expand their minds, and open up their imagination to a parallel world. She was also influenced by the mixed lines of news story's and, her father being in a war himself, Vietnam.

4 Austin's question and answer
Is the hunger games a dystopian novel? What is the purpose of a a dystopian novel? The hunger games is a dystopian novel because it shows us a parallel world, that is controlled by the government. The point of a dystopian novel is to provide readers with the sees of "how the world could be".

5 Ryan's question and answer.
How is the Hunger games a Science fiction? How is it futuristic? Futuristic, sci-fi: Futuristic Science fiction is when a story consists of things that are high technologically andvances, and usually a different culture. Hunger games is Sci-Fi b/c it depicts a futuristic world that's full of high tech equipment and districts that are forced to fight each other, because their capital try's to make them pay for rebelling in the war. It is Futuristic because it is after a war that caused the United States to go against their government, when they lost they become the 13districts which serve their government, but when the 13 districts rebel the 13 obliterated the other 12 are made to take part in the annual enjoyment for the capital.

6 Works cited

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