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Welcome to Back to School Night at Veterans Elementary Math Presentation Mr. Callaghan’s Class 2010 - 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Back to School Night at Veterans Elementary Math Presentation Mr. Callaghan’s Class 2010 - 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Back to School Night at Veterans Elementary Math Presentation
Mr. Callaghan’s Class

2 Agenda Books All student’s will copy their homework in their agenda/assignment book daily. The agenda book needs to be signed on a daily basis by a parent/guardian.

3 3rd Grade Homework Policy
The 3rd grade team’s homework policy is as follows: Your child’s math teacher will send math homework home Monday through Thursday evenings. The math homework will directly reinforce concepts that have been taught in class. Your child should be comfortable with the concepts, therefore, if you see that your child is struggling with a particular concept or strategy, please send a note to his or her math teacher. Math homework should be sent back to school each day.

4 3rd Grade Homework Policy
4. Homework is assigned daily. Notes to excuse or extend assignments will not be accepted in most cases. 5. Student’s who are absent should see the teacher for each subject immediately. 6. Make up work (class work and homework) should be completed in a timely fashion. For every day absent, he/she will have a day to make up that work.


6 Math Concepts Algebra Patterns and Functions Number Relationships and Computation Fractions and Probability Geometry Measurement Ratios, Decimals and Percents

7 Math Concepts Students will take a Pretest before each unit begins.
Parent Preview Sheets will go home as the unit begins Parents will receive the Post-test after the unit is completed, which will have the Pretest score. Please sign Post-tests and return them to school

8 Math Website Please be sure to visit the math class website at
The website has information about the current math unit, test dates, vocabulary words, links, and other information about the math class.

9 Questions/Answers I can be reached by phone at Veterans ES by calling or by at

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