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Bell Work 2/6-2/17 Ms. Holmes.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Work 2/6-2/17 Ms. Holmes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Work 2/6-2/17 Ms. Holmes

2 Monday, February 6 Give a synonym for the underlined word.
Grandfather was only in quasi-retirement because he couldn’t give up control of the business. My ex-best friend tried to besmirch my reputation with her vicious gossip. It is imperative that you leave immediately.

3 Tuesday, February 7 Give a synonym for the underlined word.
Jared took sadistic pleasure in tormenting his little sister. Believe me, her shy demeanor is just an act; she is really quite wild. Her facetious comments during the funeral were out of place.

4 Wednesday, February 8 Give a synonym for the underlined word.
Aja was so angry she pronounced an imprecation on Emma, her family, and all her friends. Jonathan’s sanguine personality makes everyone in his company pleased to be with him. Mother used to say that reading in poor light would impair your vision.

5 Thursday, February 9 Free Write 2 paragraphs!

6 Friday, February 10 Use your bell work time to register for your classes!

7 Friday, February 10 Define the following words in your composition books: Habitat Herbivore Hormone Humidity Infrared Radiation Circuitous Clairvoyant Collaborate Compassion Compromise Condescending Conditional Conformist

8 Monday , February 13 I grew up with buckets, shovels, and nets waiting by the back door; hip-waders hanging in the closet; tide table charts covering the refrigerator door; and a microscope was sitting on the kitchen table. Having studied, my mother is a marine biologist. Our household might have been described as uncooperative. Our meals weren’t always served in the expected order of breakfast, lunch, and supper. Everything was subservient to the disposal of the tides. When the tide was low, Mom could be found down on the mudflats. When the tide was high, she would be standing on the inlet bridge with her plankton net. Choose the best answer for the underlined portion of the paragraph. Explain why you chose that answer. A. NO CHANGE B. waiting, by the back door, C. waiting by the back door, D. waiting by the back door F. NO CHANGE G. would sit H. sitting J. sat

9 Tuesday, February 14 Choose the best answer for the underlined portion of the paragraph. Explain why you chose that answer. I grew up with buckets, shovels, and nets waiting by the back door; hip-waders hanging in the closet; tide table charts covering the refrigerator door; and a microscope was sitting on the kitchen table. Having studied, my mother is a marine biologist. Our household might have been described as uncooperative. Our meals weren’t always served in the expected order of breakfast, lunch, and supper. Everything was subservient to the disposal of the tides. When the tide was low, Mom could be found down on the mudflats. When the tide was high, she would be standing on the inlet bridge with her plankton net. 3. A. NO CHANGE B. As my mother’s interest is science, she is C. My mother’s occupation is that of D. My mother is 4. Which choice would most effectively introduce the rest of this paragraph? F. NO CHANGE G. There seemed to be no explanation for why Mom ran our household the way she did. H. Our household didn’t run according to a typical schedule. J. Mom ran our household in a most spectacular manner.

10 Wednesday, February 15 Choose the best answer for the underlined portion of the paragraph. Explain why you chose that answer. Which choice most effectively signals the shift from the preceding paragraph to this paragraph? I have great respect for my mother. I learned early that the moon affected the tides. Mom was always waiting for a full moon, when low tide would be much lower than usual and high tide much higher. The moon being closer to the earth when full, so its gravitational pull is stronger. I knew that it took about eight hours for the tides to change from high to low, sixteen hours for a complete cycle of tides. I didn’t have to wait to learn these things in school. In our house they were everyday knowledge. F. NO CHANGE G. Our lives were likewise affected by the phases of the moon. H. A relationship exists between the moon and the tides. J. The moon is a mysterious orb afloat in the sky. A. NO CHANGE B. Since the moon is C. The moon is D. The moon,

11 Thursday, February 16 Free Write 2 paragraphs!
Write legibly and turn it in to me!!!

12 Thursday, February 16 Define the following words in your composition book: Insulator Ion Kinetic Energy Neutron Electron Congregation Convergence Deleterious Demagogue Digression Diligent Discredit Disdain

13 Wednesday, February 22 Choose the best answer for the underlined portion of the paragraph. Explain why you chose that answer. F. NO CHANGE G. one’s H. it’s J. its’ I have great respect for my mother. I learned early that the moon affected the tides. Mom was always waiting for a full moon, when low tide would be much lower than usual and high tide much higher. The moon being closer to the earth when full, so its gravitational pull is stronger. I knew that it took about eight hours for the tides to change from high to low, sixteen hours for a complete cycle of tides. I didn’t have to wait to learn these things in school. In our house they were everyday knowledge. If the writer were to delete the phrase “sixteen hours for a complete cycle of tides” from the preceding sentence (ending the sentence with a period), the essay would primarily lose a detail that: A. shows how the narrator’s interests are different from the mother’s interests. B. contradicts a point made earlier in the paragraph. C. helps establish the setting for the essay. D. displays the narrator’s knowledge of tides.

14 Continue working on presentations or essays.
Thursday, February 23 Continue working on presentations or essays.

15 Friday, February 24 Free Write 2 paragraphs! Write legibly!

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