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Vocabulary Workshop book C unit 13 #’s review

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1 Vocabulary Workshop book C unit 13 #’s 11-20 review
By: Nicole moaRKECH

2 LOITER Highlight Definition: To linger in an aimless way, hang around Add: Stall

3 MALINGER Highlight Definition: To pretend illness to avoid duty or work Synonym: Goof off Add: lazy, fraud, fake, and liar

4 PITHY Highlight Definition: Short, full of meaning Synonym: Short and sweet Add: To the point

5 PLAUNDER Highlight Definition: To rob by force, property stolen by force Add: Ransack

6 SIMPER Highlight Definition: A silly forced smile Synonym: Giggle Add: Smirk

7 STEADFAST Highlight Definition: Constant, not moving or changing Synonym: Loyal Add: Stern, steady, and stable

8 VAUNTED Highlight Definition: Much boasted about in a vain way Add: Praised boastfully or excessively

9 VILIFY Highlight Definition: To abuse or belittle unjustly Synonym: Denigrate Add: Depreciate

10 WAIF Highlight Definition: Without a home or friend; stray person or animal; Something that comes along by chance Synonym: Stray Add: Orphan and castaway

11 WRY Highlight Definition: Twisted, cleverly or grimly humorous Add: Deformed, contorted, and cynical

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