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Old and New World Exchange

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Presentation on theme: "Old and New World Exchange"— Presentation transcript:

1 Old and New World Exchange
Columbian Exchange Old and New World Exchange

2 What is the Columbian Exchange?
European explorers and settlers took plants and animals with them to the Americas. The also brought back a variety of plants and animals to Europe, Asia, and Africa. This transfer became known as the ….

3 DRAMATICALLY changed the world.
Columbian Exchange The Columbian Exchange DRAMATICALLY changed the world.

4 Students work on worksheet
New World vs Old World Students work on worksheet

5 Old World New World Coffee Rice Lemon Sugar Wheat Apples Vanilla
Watermelon Peaches Bananas Cattle Chicken Horses Pigs Sheep Malaria Measles Small Pox Vanilla Corn Chili Peppers Chocolate Potatoes Tomatoes Pineapples Peanuts Rubber Tobacco Turkeys

6 Why is The Old World list longer that the New world list?

7 Historians Ideas New World vs Old World

8 Map of items exchanged between
New World Old World

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