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The Protestant Reformation
Breakdown of Denominations
Protestant Reformation
What is the Protestant Reformation?
Protestant Reformation – A religious movement in the 1500’s that split the Christian church in western Europe and led to the establishment of a number of new churches. Martin Luther
Early Dissent Many artists and politicians were growing more and more secular. The banks took power away from the Church, and the artists were funded with bank money to support this view as proper. People also grew displeased with the churches… Financial Corruption – They sold off churches Abuse of Power – They controlled politicians Immorality – They broke church rules
Important Developments that aid the process to Reformation!
The Printing Press!!!! Books are now available to the masses not just the rich! (Faster production=cheaper books) People have access to books whenever they want them. Like the Kindle or Nook to early modern Europeans. A single Renaissance printing press could produce 3,600 pages per workday, compared to forty by hand-printing and a few by hand-copying. Printing Press = 3,600 pages per workday Hand Printing = 40 pages per workday
Martin Luther Studying at the University of Wittenberg after becoming a monk, studies the bible closely while criticizing the Church.
Pope Urban VI Had his rival Cardinals tortured to death and complained that he “didn’t hear enough screaming”
Pope Alexander VI Had at least 5 children with his mistress
May have poisoned a rival Cardinal, not enough evidence
Language Barriers Most uneducated people didn’t understand Latin, but knew the local common language or “vernacular” Almost all Bibles were written in LATIN before the Reformation. It was the job of the church clergy to translate the Bible to lay people. Martin Luther disagrees – thinks all should study the bible and begins translating it.
What happens to spark the Reformation?
Pope Leo X needs money to build St. Peter’s Basilica…so he sells indulgences! Indulgences – were pardons issued by the pope that people could buy to reduce a soul’s time in purgatory (People could buy forgiveness)
Luther’s 95 Theses In 1517, the 95 Theses were nailed to a church door. They were written in Latin. Luther’s intention: NOT TO BREAK WITH CHURCH, BUT REFORM IT! Criticized: Indulgences Power of Pope Wealth of Church God’s Grace won by FAITH ALONE! Catholic View: Good Works
The 95 Theses
The 95 Theses 43 - “Christians should be taught that one who gives to the poor, or lends to the needy, does a better action than if he purchases indulgences.” 76 - “The pope’s indulgences cannot remove even the guilt of the smallest sins.” 82 - “Since the pope is the richest man in the world, why doesn’t he use his own money to build churches instead of poor believers?” 84 - “If the pope truly has the power to forgive sins, shouldn’t he do it for free out of love instead of for money?” 94 - “All those who are sure of salvation because of indulgences will be doomed to Hell, together with their teachers.”
Execution of Jan Hus
The Diet of Worms 41 sentences are heresy and MUST be taken back.
Martin Luther’s Response
Unless I am convinced by the testimony of the Scriptures or by clear reason (for I do not trust either in the pope or his cardinals, since it is well known that they have often erred and contradicted themselves), I am bound by the Scriptures I have quoted and my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and will not recant anything, since it is neither safe nor right to go against conscience. May God help me. Amen.
Edict of Worms We forbid anyone from this time forward to dare, either by words or by deeds, to receive, defend, sustain, or favor Martin Luther. On the contrary, we want him to be apprehended and punished as a notorious heretic, as he deserves, to be brought personally before us, or to be securely guarded until those who have captured him inform us, whereupon we will order the appropriate manner of proceeding against the said Luther. Those who will help in his capture will be rewarded generously for their good work.
Post-Edict of Worms In 1520 Pope Leo X excommunicated Luther – Now he seeks to form his own church. Holy Roman Emperor Charles V passed measures to suppress Luther’s writings. Lutheran princes in Germany issued a protestatio or protest. Hence the term Protestant for the new church! Pope Leo X by Raphel
Frederick III Prince of Saxony
Other Reformations Ulrich Zwingli in Switzerland
Theocracy A government in which church and state are joined and in which officials are considered to be divinely inspired. John Calvin in Switzerland Predestination God knows who will be saved, even before people are born, and therefore guides the lives of those destined fore salvation. John Knox in Scotland Laid grounds for Presbyterian Church
CALVINISM Started in Switzerland – Calvinists England = Puritans
Scotland = Presbyterians Holland = Dutch Reform France = Huguenots Germany = Reform Church
Christianity Protestant Catholic Lutheran Calvinism Anglican Puritan
Presbyterian Anglican Hugeunots
In England, the Reformation began with the King!
King Henry VIII The king who had six wives… He wants a SON! He wants a son so badly he’s willing to create an entirely new church to get his way – the Anglican Church. King Henry’s older brother Arthur (named after the famous tale King Author and the Knights of the Round Table) dies… Author was married to Catherine of Argon (from Spain) before she married Henry. This becomes the grounds for his annulment (because Catherine can’t produce a son). She does however give birth to a daughter named Mary. She later becomes a queen of England and restores the Catholic Church! History knows her as Bloody Mary. Catherine of Aragon, Henry's first wife. Catherine, a Princess of Spain, was married to Henry for many years. Her determination to stay married to Henry, in the face of his desire for Anne Boleyn, would change the course of history forever. Anne Boleyn, Henry's second wife, and the mother of Queen Elizabeth I. Henry fell passionately in love with Anne while married to Catherine of Aragon. He waited several years to marry Anne, but, ironically, lost his desire for her once she became his Queen. Jane Seymour, Henry's beloved third Queen. Gentle, capable Jane gave Henry his long-awaited male heir after one year of marriage. Sadly, she gave her life to do so. Anne of Cleves, Henry's fourth wife. This German princess served as Queen for only a few months before she and Henry agreed to divorce by mutual consent. Katherine Howard, Henry's fifth wife. Henry's marriage to this sensuous teenager brought him brief happiness, but ended in tragedy. Katherine Parr, Henry's sixth Queen. This intelligent, loyal, forward-thinking Renaissance woman outlived three husbands, including Henry, and went on to finally marry the man of her choice.
Beheaded Beheaded Widow Divorced Died Divorced
Longstanding Effects of Henry VIII
His legitimate children: Mary, Elizabeth, and Edward (dies). Queen Mary I or “Bloody Mary” Raised Catholic like her mother Catherine of Aragon; she reestablished the Catholic Church in England. She killed many protestants and had approximately 300 heretics burned at the stake. Queen Elizabeth I Raised Protestant and ruled England for 44 years. Ruled during the Spanish Armada, and never married…known as the Virgin Queen.
Holy Roman Empire
St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre
Thirty Years’ War
Reforming the Catholic Church
Counter-Reformation The Catholic Church’s series of reforms in response to the spread of Protestantism in the mid-1500’s to the early 1600’s.
The Council of Trent In 1545, the Church decided to hold the Council of Trent to redefine some religious doctrines of Catholicism. Clarified Catholic teaching Addressed Abuses Addressed Corruption Training of Priests regulated Addressed Financial Abuse Sale of Indulgences was abolished
The Inquisitions Two different Inquisitions:
Roman Inquisition (1542) Spanish Inquisition (1478) The Roman Inquisition tried people for: Being Protestant Witchcraft (Malleus Maleficarum) “Hammer of Witches” Breaking with Church Law (Heresy)
Spanish Inquisition Spain gives Jews, Muslims, and Protestants living in Spain three options: (1) CONVERT to Christianity (2) GET OUT of Spain (3) DIE Many accounts of tortures and executions.
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