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Welcome! Pick up the following items: Find a seat (your choice today)

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Pick up the following items: Find a seat (your choice today)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Pick up the following items: Find a seat (your choice today)
1 Marker 1 Large Notecard 1 Small Notecard Find a seat (your choice today)

2 Today’s Agenda Nametags and Notecards Who is Ms. Pilarz? Who are your fellow classmates? What is the rest of the week going to look like?

3 Nametags Using the large notecard please do the following:
Fold it “hotdog style” in half Write your first name large and legible enough so that it can be seen across the room on the front (use the marker) On the back, write what hour this is

4 Notecard Front Name: I live with….
Phone number: (tell me whose (which parent/guardian)) address: Medical or Academic Concerns:

5 Notecard Back One thing you are looking forward to this year: One thing you are nervous about this year: One thing I wouldn’t know about you by looking at you:

6 Awesome… Keep your name tag on your desk (will turn in before you leave) Return your marker and info card to the front Pick up a paper (1) from the stack



9 Cooper!


11 Expectations with Chromebooks Open up, log on go to
Chromebook Time Expectations with Chromebooks Open up, log on go to

12 What does the rest of this week look like?
- Thursday: Pre-test (let’s get it out of the way), first assignment, first seating chart - Friday: Syllabus, Chromebook Galore (lots to do, come charged ready to go), Scientific Method Review and Variables Next Week: Full force! (Quiz already next Friday)

13 Questions?!?

14 Advisory What to expect day to day….

15 M &Ms Green – Tell me your favorite band / artist
Yellow- Tell me somewhere you have gone on vacation or where you would like to go. Blue- Favorite Television show / movie Orange- Positive adjectives people would use to describe you Red- Things that you are good at ( does not have to be school related) Brown- Tell me a highlight of your summer.

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