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Presentation on theme: "LEARNING!!! CH. 9 PSYCHOLOGY."— Presentation transcript:


2 Ch. 9 schedule Week one: operant conditioning, classical conditioning, retrieval, forgetting, learning disabilities. Week two: mon-wed in lab C working on behavior modification project. Thurs-fri presenting

3 What is learning Different theories of learning:
Classical conditioning Operant conditioning Retrieval and shaping

4 Classical conditioning
Classical conditioning- is a learning procedure in which associations are made between a neutral stimulus and an unconditional stimulus. This theory was discovered by ivan Pavlov using his famous “pavlovs dogs” experiment

5 Terms in classical conditioning
Neutral stimulus (NS)- a stimulus that does not initially elicit any part of an unconditioned response unconditioned stimulus (US): an event that elicits a certain predictable response typically without previous training unconditioned response (UR): an organism’s automatic (or natural) reaction to a stimulus

6 More terms conditioned stimulus (CS): a once-neutral event that elicits a given response after a period of training in which it has been paired with (occurred just before) an unconditioned stimulus conditioned response (CR): the learned reaction to a conditioned stimulus

7 Pavlov’s dogs

8 Lets do a little practice using the office
Can you tell me what the ns, us, ur, cs, and cr are in this experiement?

9 Principles of classical cond.
Acquisition of a classically conditioned response that occurs gradually and increases each time the CS and US are paired. generalization: responding similarly to a range of similar stimuli discrimination: the ability to respond differently to similar but distinct stimuli extinction: a gradual disappearance of a conditioned response when the conditioned stimulus is repeatedly presented without the unconditioned stimulus

10 Baby albert
Could classical conditioning apply to humans?

11 Let’s Review Neutral Stimulus- Something that has relatively no response in of itself. Ex: Me passing out a Peppermint in Class. Unconditioned Stimulus- an event that draws a rather predictable response. Ex: the bell ringing in school. Unconditioned Response- the predictable response to the UCS. Ex: leaving class when the bell rings. Conditioned Stimulus- previously the NS, now has a learned meaning. Ex: I pass out the peppermint before the bell rings, means me passing out the peppermint that class is nearly over. Conditioned Response- the learned response to the Conditioned Stimulus. Ex: When I pass out the peppermint, you now know to get ready for class to be over.

12 Review Generalization- If I passed out smarties one day at the end of class, and you reacted the same way as me passing out the peppermint. Stimuli are alike (both candy) you react the same way. Discrimination- If I passed out the smarties and you did not react the same way because smarties are not peppermints. Stimuli are different so you react differently to them. Extinction- If I started passing out peppermints 20 minutes before class ended its conditioned meaning would go away because it no longer means that class is nearly over.

13 School of thought Classical conditioning relates to behavioral psychology: or a field of psychology that focuses on how individuals react to events in their environment. One of the ANSWERS THAT PAVLOV AND WATSON FOUND WHERE THAT PHOBIAS, COULD BE A LEARNED TRAIT THAT ORGANISMS EXPERIENCE DURING THEIR LIFETIMES.

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