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The OpenMalaria Microsimulation Platform

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1 The OpenMalaria Microsimulation Platform
Thomas Smith. On behalf of the Swiss TPH malaria modelling team IDM 6th Annual Modeling Symposium 16 April 2018

2 Key steps in malaria modeling in the 20th century
Ross (1911): First model of malaria in humans Macdonald (1956) : Extended to include mosquitoes Compartments for both humans and mosquitoes Dietz (1974) Garki model: Extension to include immunity without including refractory compartment(s) Calibration with field data Provided the theoretical framework for IRS-based programmes Supported the contention that IRS-based programmes were not enough (even with mass drug administration)

3 Why are malaria models wanted now?
……….. …………. ……… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (Filling in data gaps) Predicting the impact of intervention packages in specific places

4 Geographically specific Global Includes the butterflies
Image adapted from ‘Vintage Globe’

5 OpenMalaria: the origins
Nicolas Maire Computing group leader Amanda Ross Senior statistician - Individual-based model - Fitted to data - Includes only known biology

6 OpenMalaria approach Discrete time stochastic individual-based simulations of malaria in humans Discrete time population model of vector life cycle and malaria in mosquitoes Includes dynamics of transmission, acquired immunity & human demography Models of natural history with modular components Multiple model variants capturing structural uncertainty (e.g. in duration of immunity) Periodic forcing to capture effects of seasonality Calibrated by formal fitting to data from field studies Include effects of case management and other concomitant interventions Considers heterogeneity in exposure, susceptibility, immune response (but is a single site model, not spatially explicit) Programmed in C++ (xml configuration files) OpenSource

7 Infectivity to vectors Morbidity and mortality
Central role of parasite densities Parasite density Malariatherapy 50 100 150 Days since inoculation Infectivity to vectors Immunity Parasite density is a main determinant of the acquisition of immunity The primary effect of immunity is on parasite densities Single hosts can have multiple concurrent super-infections Morbidity and mortality 8

8 Essentials for validity and reproducibility
Severe disease Formal description of models Calibration with field data Out-of-sample validation Initially calibrated by fitting to the datasets covering ten different epidemiological quantities (objectives). Many other datasets used to calibrate entomology and health system parameters Initial validation using data of meta-analysis of prevalence- transmission relationships. Many other datasets used to evaluate local fit. Calibration and validation can be improved with new data

9 OpenSource and documentation
Thorough documentation essential Significant learning curve In complex software bugs happen Proper versioning etc. needed Diggory Hardy Main software developer - Individual-based model - Fitted to data - Includes only known biology

10 Typical use of OpenMalaria
Start of test & treat Prevalence ▬ MDA ▬ no MDA Year Elimination threshold Parameterise transmission setting with available entomological data Run the system to an endemic steady state to approximate no-intervention at least 1 human lifetime Simulate forward with required interventions, varying as required: Start of test & treat Example question: How does on-going test-and-treat affect the impact of Mass Drug Administration?

11 High dimension simulation experiment
Parameterise transmission setting with available entomological data Run the system to an endemic steady state to approximate no-intervention at least 1 human lifetime Simulate forward with required interventions, varying as required: Diagnostic performance Drug/insecticide efficacy Target group(s) Deployment strategy Spray/treatment timing Adherence/use Coverage Replenishment (e.g. nets) Decay(s) of effect (insecticides, PK/PD of drugs, vaccine decay)

12 Example simulation experiment
Start of test & treat Results of model averaging Factorially designed experiment 16,200 simulations Parameterise transmission setting with available entomological data Run the system to an endemic steady state to approximate no-intervention at least 1 human lifetime Simulate forward with required interventions, varying as required: Percentage of scenarios Start of test & treat Example question: How does on-going test-and-treat affect the impact of Mass Drug Administration? Minimal change to stable state New endemic stable state New endemic stable state achieved sooner with MDA Elimination only with MDA Elimination with minimal speed-up Elimination is achieved sooner with MDA

13 PSA of cost effectiveness of RTS,S
Endemicity map Nicolas Maire Computing group leader Probability density 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 EIR (ibpa) 10 100 1 0.1 Estimated Distribution of EIR for malaria endemic parts of Africa Uncertainty in endemicity map Maire et al, Value Health Dec;14(8):

14 Acceptability curves for RTS,S
Probability density 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 EIR (ibpa) 10 100 1 0.1 Estimated Distribution of endemicity ICER (I$ per DALY) 100 10 1000 10000 0.1 1 EIR (ibpa) Measure of net benefit by Endemicity (including uncertainty) 10 Ceiling ratio (I$/DALY) 100 1000 10000 Probability cost effective 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 I$207 I$2008 Probability you want to go ahead Maire et al, Value Health Dec;14(8):

15 Acceptability curves for RTS,S
ICER (I$ per DALY) 100 10 1000 10000 0.1 1 The intervention effects depend on the transmission setting. We need estimates of the distribution of exposures to complete the prediction of the net benefit of intervention. Gray envelope encloses 95% of parameterizations 1.0 0.8 2008 0.6 1000 Probability cost effectuve 500 0.4 207 0.2 100 50 0.0 Gray boxes Indicate ceiling ratios in international $ EIR (ibpa) 100 1000 0.1 1 10 Maire et al, Value Health Dec;14(8):

16 Analysis of model uncertainty
X V h * b v Cost-effectiveness of a PEV-EPI program Tornado plot Interval between the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio predicted from the regression at the 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles of the sampled distribution of the parameters t Q 1/2 a D x F * a 3 F E * Y Y * a 2 * S m * j Y 1 * 1 X p * i i V R vd C x 1 Y * u P B 1 P h V u N hc V i X*h Critical value of cumulative number of infections Vv Vaccine purchase price b Vaccine homogeneity t1/2 Vaccine halflife QD Co-morbidity intercept relevant to indirect mortality V q x h p 1 v rfo R V x 2 X vc v * P S r V imm p d X rfi * V y s a 2 V C vt g r x p T 2 a m Q m s 2 n R p q P t s ICER (I$ per DALY averted) Maire et al, Value Health Dec;14(8):

17 Simulations: Future Use Case
Model averaging and fitting to data for trial sites Melissa Penny Group head RTS,S/AS01: Phase 3 clinical trial in infants and children Moderately efficacious vaccine, with waning protection The W.H.O.: Where will the vaccine have greatest public health impact and be cost-effective? Detailed Phase 3 vaccine efficacy Clinical Trial Data Simulations: Future Use Case Effectiveness: future public health impact Beyond trial settings Impact on mortality Economic analysis Target settings for use Models models informed by trial data and historical data on malaria dynamics Parasite prevalence (%) Penny, Verity, Bever et al. Lancet 2016, 387:367

18 Country specific CEA for RTS,S
Averaging over: Transmisssion surfaces (5 km pixels) Model uncertainty Parameter uncertainty (vaccine properties) C: DALYs averted D: cost per DALY averted Katya Galactionova Health Economist Galactionova et al, Vaccine (2017)

19 Deciding which new tools to invest in
Determine key factors in achieving interruption of transmission and prevalence reduction Explore minimal profile of malaria tools that interrupt transmission for different settings.  coverage of tool 1 2 efficacy half-life Random sampling over all parameters Machine learning and Gaussian process (GP) Database of multidimensional computer simulations Melissa Penny

20 Sweeps and factor levels included Designed for use by National
Spectrum Malaria Sweeps and factor levels included Designed for use by National Malaria Control Programs for projecting impact Interface linking model predictions to UN demographs, WHO and MAP data on malaria. Built by Avenir Health Uses a regression-based emulation of OM estimated from a simulation experiment comprising 100,000 scenarios Korenromp et al, 2016

21 Spectrum Malaria Hamilton et al, Malaria Journal, 2017, 16:68

22 Used as a teaching resource

23 Open Source Other groups can, and do, use OpenMalaria without necessarily informing Swiss TPH We are happy to advise……..

24 Our Current Team Main Funding Diggory Hardy Software developer
Katya Galactionova Health economics Nakul Chitnis Group Head Mathematical epidemiology Melissa Penny Group head Emilie Pothin Project Leader Malaria modelling Flavia Camponovo PhD student Malaria vaccine development Tamsin Lee: Post-doc Malaria drug resistance Lydia Burgert PhD student Malaria drug development New Jan 2018 Diggory Hardy Software developer Thomas Smith Unit head Group head Manuela Runge PhD student Malaria program impact Adrian Denz Phd student Mosquito movement Guoying Yang Senior Scientific collaborator Malaria elimination product development New April 2018 Monica Golumbeanu Post-doc Olivier Briet Project leader Malariology Main Funding

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