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-Who -What -Where -Why -When -How

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Presentation on theme: "-Who -What -Where -Why -When -How"— Presentation transcript:

1 -Who -What -Where -Why -When -How
General Description -Who -What -Where -Why -When -How

2 Socioeconomic Status How is money a factor in the situation?
How might social rank play a part in the issue? How might poverty tie in?

3 Social Concerns What is the worldly impact of this issue?
What might happen if nothing is done about this issue?

4 Political Ties What is the role of politics in this issue?
What laws (local, federal) have been created and implemented to address this issue? How do these laws differ state-to-state or region-to-region?

5 Geographical Concerns
Where is the area of conflict? What might be the environmental risks of the issue?

6 History When did this issue originate?
Is it a recurring problem? How so?

7 Various Sides Who are the oppressors and what do they believe?
Who is being oppressed and what do they believe?

8 Severity How bad is the situation? Compare the situation to something

9 Eyewitness Account Testimonial
Interview quotes from someone authentically involved in the situation

10 Measures Being Taken What is being done about the situation?
If nothing is being done, what might be something to persuade someone to do in the situation?

11 Likely/Proposed Future
What is likely to happen?

12 Why Audience Should Care
Provide a few examples of why the topic is important to know about

13 Additional Resources Provide at least two additional ways to find out more about the topic- phone numbers, addresses, websites

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