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1 Quiz

2 Quiz Rules Read the questions and pick and answer from the four options. If you get it correct it will move to the next question. If you get it wrong you will be notified and should click back to question and try again.

3 Question 1 5 a Day 7 a Day 4 a Day 1 a Day
How many pieces of Fruit and Vegetables should be eat per day? 5 a Day 7 a Day 4 a Day 1 a Day

4 Question 2 10 minutes 30 minutes 60 minutes 20 minutes
How much exercise should do per day? 10 minutes 30 minutes 60 minutes 20 minutes

5 Question 3 Tomato soup spaghetti bolognaise Steak and chips Lasagne
What meal has the highest content of calories? Tomato soup spaghetti bolognaise Steak and chips Lasagne

6 Question 4 Hockey Roller skating Netball Rounders
Which of these sports is not a team game? Hockey Roller skating Netball Rounders

7 Questions 5 Rugby Badminton Tennis Squash
Which one of these sports do you not need to use a racket in? Rugby Badminton Tennis Squash

8 Question 6 How many days a week should you exercise? 7 1 4 5

9 Question 7 Who won the world cup in 2010? Spain Greece Russia Germany

10 Question 8 Muscles Eye site Your brain Bones
Vitamins are found in many vegetables what is it used for in your body? Muscles Eye site Your brain Bones

11 Question 9 30 minutes 80 minutes 60 minutes 90 minutes
How long does a football match last? 30 minutes 80 minutes 60 minutes 90 minutes

12 Question 10 50-100 kcal 500-600 kcal 1000 kcal 200-400 kcal
How many calories are in a the average chocolate? kcal kcal 1000 kcal kcal

13 Thanks for doing my quiz! 
Click ESC to leave the quiz

14 Incorrect! Go back to the Question

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