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Bell Work: weight Define weight What are the units for weight?

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Work: weight Define weight What are the units for weight?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Work: weight Define weight What are the units for weight?
How is weight calculated? What is the weight of a 10 kg box? What is the weight of a 5,000 gram box?

2 Today is the end of September.
You can turn in in the 18 bell work assignments for September today (preferred) or Monday for full credit. Test retakes are next week Monday Tuesday Thursday and Friday after school – sign up on pink sheet by the door. Quiz today: earn up to 10 more points on original test grade.

3 When you are done with the quiz . .
Turn it in upside down in the basket. Work on crossword puzzle: Newton’s Laws

4 Other Forces Weight (Fw): Applied force (FA): Tension (T):
earth pulling object down always negative Applied force (FA): outside force pushing or pulling on an object Tension (T): force in a rope or wire pulling on the object

5 Friction: Normal force (FN): always against motion always negative
perpendicular to a surface surface pushing on the object

6 Equilibrium: Non-equilibrium: constant speed (rest or moving)
all forces on object are balanced net force = 0.0 N Non-equilibrium: Accelerated motion (speeding up, slowing down, or turning) forces on object are unbalanced net force ≠ 0.0 N

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