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Report of the Network for Capacity Development in Nutrition in Central and Eastern Europe NCDN CEE Mirjana Pavlovic, Fre Pepping, Arne Oshaug and the participants.

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Presentation on theme: "Report of the Network for Capacity Development in Nutrition in Central and Eastern Europe NCDN CEE Mirjana Pavlovic, Fre Pepping, Arne Oshaug and the participants."— Presentation transcript:

1 Report of the Network for Capacity Development in Nutrition in Central and Eastern Europe NCDN CEE Mirjana Pavlovic, Fre Pepping, Arne Oshaug and the participants from CEE countries 34 th SCN Meeting, Rome 28 th February 2007 Report from the inaugural meeting of the Network on Capacity Development nutrition in CEE countries

2 Background The NCDN-CEE had its first capacity development meeting in FAO Budapest 16-17 th November 2006. The web site is: Participation The meeting was attended 11 countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, FYR Macedonia, Hungary, The Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Serbia and Slovakia.


4 Initial activities 33rd SCN meeting in Geneva from 13 -17th March 2006 in Geneva : Joint meeting of SCN Working Groups on Capacity Development and Nutrition, Ethics and Human Rights 15 th March 2006, Geneva Network electronic Newsletter I (March 2006) Network for Capacity Development in Nutrition (NCDN) in CEE

5 Link to EC Projects 1.Euro FIR-European Food Information Resource Network (NoE) FP6 2. EURRECCA- Harmonising nutrient recommendations across Europe with special focus on vulnerable groups and consumer understanding (NoE) FP6 3. DIETS – Dieticians Improving Education Training Standards across Europe, Thematic Network for Dieticians in Europe, Socrates Erasmus fund

6 Linking the Network to International Meetings Regional Conference Balkan medicine towards FP7, from 4-5 May 2006 in Bucharest, Romania Management of microbiological hazards of foods course in Wageningen 18 - 22 September 2006

7 Linking the Network to International Meetings 2nd EuroFIR Network Meeting & Associated Workshops, Training/Exchange Opportunities for PhDs Nantes, France 21st – September 2006 Current initiatives and plans for possible areas for collaboration and training needs in CEE and non- EuroFIR countries, Mirjana Pavlovic EuroFIR Course on Production of Food Composition Data in Nutrition, Bratislava, Slovak Republic 16-28 October 2006 Training initiatives in Central and Eastern Europe, Mirjana Pavlovic 30 participants from 24 European countries Participants from the Network from non EuroFIR countries as well with EuroFIR support (Romania 2, Macedonia 1)

8 Linking the Network to International Meetings 1 st World Congress on Public Health Nutrition, Barcelona, Spain 28-30 th September One poster of the NCDN - CEE Network for Capacity Development in Nutrition (NCDN) in CEE. Mirjana Pavlovic, Fre Pepping, Lajos Biro, Arne Oshaug Planning in Barcelona Agenda for the capacity development activities in the 2nd Network Meeting on CDN in CEE. Mirjana Pavlovic, Fre Pepping, Arne Oshaug

9 Capacity development activities in Budapest, November 2006 Information on: EuroFIR and EURRECCA Adequate food as a human right: An important new paradigm or old wine in new bottles? New developments Lecture E-learning WHO Child Growth Standards: A growth chart for the 21st century (WHO, Geneva)

10 Future planned activities 34th SCN (26 February – 2 March 2007 in Rome) Posters of NCDN CEE at the FENS Conference, Paris, July 2007 Formalization of links between the NCDN, EuroFIR, EURRECCA and Diets Modify curriculum of Nutritional and lifestyle epidemiology course in Wageningen to EURRECA/CEE needs in 2008

11 Future planned activities 3rd Network meeting, autumn 2007 Belgrade Relevant Action Plans for CEE countries – WHO (obesity, food, nutrition, physical activity, diet) EURRECA DIETS 2nd edition of Food Comp Data Course for CEE Countries in 2008


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