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Science and Technology

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Presentation on theme: "Science and Technology"— Presentation transcript:

1 Science and Technology

2 Imagine A life without TV, radio, movies, books, or computers.
New books had to be hand written which took many hands and months to complete

3 New Technology in a New World
The printing press is considered one of the most significant inventions of the Renaissance

4 How Did Print Change the World?
Led to the fast flow of information and lead to the spread of new ideas books could be printed and read by many more people. This meant that people who were previously illiterate now had motivation to learn how to read, which lead to a more educated population.

5 Scientific Revolution
A period of time when developments in mathematics, physics, astronomy, biology (including human anatomy) and chemistry transformed the views of society about nature.

6 Science and Religion Scientists believed they could learn more by studying actual topics rather then accepting what the Bible said as fact Their discoveries often conflicted with teachings of the church

7 Copernicus A Renaissance mathematician and astronomer
Formulated a model of the universe that placed the Sun rather than the Earth at the center of the universe

8 Copernicus vs Church Teachings
His theory conflicted with the church which taught that the earth was the center of the universe Ideas condemned by the church after he died

9 Galileo Philosopher, astronomer, and mathematician that improved the telescope to observe the universe Discovered that the moons were solid objects rather than clusters of ether or gasses Confirmed that the Sun is the centre of the universe and planets moved around the sun

10 Giving Credit to the Source
Galileo did not originally invent the telescope The earliest workings towards the design of the refracting telescope were made by German-Dutch lensmaker Hans Lippershey in 1608.

11 Galileo vs Church Theory
His theory conflicted with the church Summoned by the Inquisition and told to accept the church theory under threat of torture Said he would and sentenced to house arrest E pur si muove- and yet it moves!

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