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Graphs, Paths, and Circuits

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1 Graphs, Paths, and Circuits
Section 13.1 Graphs, Paths, and Circuits

2 What You Will Learn Upon completion of this section, you will be able to: Represent problems using graphs. Understand paths, circuits, and bridges.

3 Definitions A graph is a finite set of points called vertices (singular form is vertex) connected by line segments (not necessarily straight) called edges. A loop is an edge that connects a vertex to itself. A B C D Loop Edge Vertex Not a vertex

4 Example 1: Representing the Königsberg Bridge Problem
Using the definitions of vertex and edge, represent the Königsberg bridge problem with a graph. Königsberg was situated on both banks and two islands of the Prigel River. From the figure, we see that the sections of town were connected with a series of seven bridges.

5 Example 1: Representing the Königsberg Bridge Problem

6 Example 1: Representing the Königsberg Bridge Problem
The townspeople wondered if one could walk through town and cross all seven bridges without crossing any of the bridges twice.

7 Example 1: Representing the Königsberg Bridge Problem
Solution Label each piece of land with a letter and draw edges to represent the bridges.

8 Example 3: Representing a Floor Plan
The figure shows the floor plan of the Phenomenal Phitness gym. Use a graph to represent the floor plan.

9 Example 3: Representing a Floor Plan

10 Definitions The degree of a vertex is the number of edges that connect to that vertex. A vertex with an even number of edges connected to it is an even vertex, and a vertex with an odd number of edges connected to it is an odd vertex.

11 Definitions In the figure, vertices A and D are even and vertices B and C are odd. A loop, counts as 2 edges for the vertex it is attached to as there are 2 directions that can be chosen.

12 Paths A path is a sequence of adjacent vertices and edges connecting them. C, D, A, B is an example of a path.

13 Paths A path does not need to include every edge and every vertex of a graph. In addition, a path could include the same vertices and the same edges several times. For example, on the next slide, we see a graph with four vertices. The path A, B, C, D, A, B, C, D, A, B, C, D, A, B, C starts at vertex A, “circles” the graph three times, and then goes through vertex B to vertex C.

14 Paths

15 Circuit A circuit is a path that begins and ends at the same vertex.
Path A, C, B, D, A forms a circuit.

16 Connected Graph A graph is connected if, for any two vertices in the graph, there is a path that connects them.

17 Disconnected Graph If a graph is not connected, it is disconnected.

18 Bridge A bridge is an edge that, if removed from a connected graph, would create a disconnected graph.

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