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LEARNING TARGET - I can identify characters in a story that are more important than others - To better understand each characters’ purpose - By listing.

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Presentation on theme: "LEARNING TARGET - I can identify characters in a story that are more important than others - To better understand each characters’ purpose - By listing."— Presentation transcript:

1 LEARNING TARGET - I can identify characters in a story that are more important than others - To better understand each characters’ purpose - By listing characters, describing them, and deciding which ones are more important.

2 Monday: Reading I.J. 22 Be sure your I.J. 21 is complete from last Friday. (pages , #1-5 and Practice 1-2) On I.J. 22, answer the following questions: What is a legend? Some people living today may be so famous that stories are told about them for years. What kinds of qualities make someone a legend? Who could be a legend in 100 years? Read an independent reading book silently. Have your book open to page 792 & I.J. page 22.

3 Monday: Reading 4-1-13 I.J. 22 Let’s Keep it Straight…
As we read the beginning of the story, we are going to pause and list EVERY character that is mentioned and what is important about them.

4 Tuesday: Reading 4-2-13 I.J. 22 (continuing on from yesterday)
Have the textbook opened to the page we left off on in “King Arthur: The Sword in the Stone” (begins on page 793) Have your I.J. out and ready to continue character notes. Remind yourself of the definition of a “legend” by reading through your notes from yesterday.

5 Tuesday: Reading 4-2-13 If time… Begin to describe STRENGTH GROUPS.
Give students time to look through the assignment.

6 Learning Target WHAT: I can understand the meaning of a word based on its affix and root. WHY: To be able to see my language more clearly. HOW WILL I KNOW: By adding root words to affixes and knowing how their meanings changed.

7 Wednesday 4-3: Reading I.J. 25
Have your “Strength Group” Assignment out. (We will work on this at the end of class.) Open your textbook to page 650. In your I.J. 25, list anything you know or remember about the following words: Root Words Prefix Suffix Affix (If you finish before others, read silently/ update your table of contents in your I.J.)

8 (Take notes on your worksheet from THE HUB.)
Wednesday 4-3: Reading (Take notes on your worksheet from THE HUB.) Root = fundamental, or most important, part of a word. Examples are… Loc = place Aud = Hear Spec = To see or look at Affix= any word part added to a word to alter or change its meaning.

9 Wednesday 4-3: Reading (notes continued…)
Prefix = an affix added to the beginning of a word Example: dislocate = away/ apart Suffix = an affix added to the end of a word Example: lovable = able/ likely

10 Wednesday 4-3: Reading Group Directions
Use the cards at your table to match each ROOT word with a matching AFFIX. Write the answers in the chart on your worksheet. Be sure to completely finish the puzzle at your table before writing it in the chart on your worksheet. WHEN YOU FINISH… Complete the back side of the worksheet INDEPENDENTLY. (Use your textbook) Turn it in at THE HUB and read silently. When everyone at your table is finished, you may get your AIMS books and work on your STRENGTH GROUP Project.

11 THURSDAY 4-4: Reading Have your strength group assignment out.
One person from your group needs to come get a stack of Buckle Down Books. Get a piece of paper to start step 1, if you haven’t already. We will revisit the directions as a class before you begin working today.

12 FRIDAY 4-5 Begin working in your strength groups.
When you finish all of your answers, paper clip them together and give them to Mrs. Schneider. (Make sure EVERYONE is finished.) If you still have time left in class, you can… Take notes for your skill to think about your lesson Look through other textbooks to begin planning. Read silently Work on other homework Study for our Language Spelling Test

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