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Democratic Reform and Activism

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1 Democratic Reform and Activism

2 Review of British Government
Constitutional Monarchy Parliament = real power House of Lords (inherit seats or appointed) House of Commons (elected)


4 Problem with voting Early 1800s, only 5% could vote
Only men who owned a lot of property This means that the upper classes ran the government

5 The Reform Bill of 1832 Protests for more suffrage
Parliament afraid of revolution (like in France) Passed Reform Bill of 1832 Eased property requirements for voting Modernized election districts This gave booming new industrial cities more representation

6 Chartist Movement Reform Bill of 1832 only increased suffrage a little
People’s Charter of 1838 Wanted universal male suffrage Annual Parliamentary elections Secret voting End to property requirements for MPs Pay for MPs


8 Chartist Movement (continued)
Parliament REJECTED But gradually… Working-class men suffrage 1867 Male rural workers 1884 By early 1900s, all demands of Chartists (except annual elections) were law

9 Victorian Age Queen Victoria Ruled for 64 years
During rule, Brit Empire reached the height of wealth and power But, monarchy assumed a less powerful role Government now run by PRIME MINISTER and CABINET


11 Women want to vote…but many oppose this
Many people claimed women’s suffrage was too radical Or that women weren’t capable of participating in politics

12 Drastic Measures Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU) MILITANT
Members frequently jailed

13 Emmeline Pankhurst

14 (from Suffragette)

15 Suffrage Achieved…eventually
Gained attention, but not achieved in Britain and the US until after World War I

16 The Third Republic (FRANCE)
France had a series of governments after the Franco-Prussian War ended in 1871 Country politically divided

17 The Dreyfus Affair (1895) Captain Alfred Dreyfus
Jewish officer in French military Accused of selling secrets to Germans Convicted and sentenced to life in prison New evidence proved innocence Massive countrywide debate on whether or not they should allow the case to be reopened

18 Dreyfus Affair: Two Sides
Army leaders, nationalists Dreyfus defenders Reopening would cast doubt on the honor of the army Justice was more important

19 Emile Zola Published letter in newspaper denouncing army for cover up
Sentenced to a year in prison for his views Eventually, the French government let Dreyfus out

20 The Rise of Zionism Anti-Semitism
Pogroms—organized campaigns of violence against Jews Particularly prominent in Eastern Europe and Russia Zionism--Jews want to reestablish ancient homeland (Jerusalem) Leader: Theodor Herzel State of Israel wouldn’t be established until after WWII

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