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Theory of Evolution Today

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1 Theory of Evolution Today
Supporting Evidence

2 Fossil Record Earth is billions of years old
Fossils in different layers of rock showed evidence of gradual change over time

3 Geographic Distribution of Living Species
Different animals on different continents but similar adaptations to shared environments

4 Homologous Structures: features that are similar in structure but appear in different organisms and have different functions

5 Homologous Body Structures
Scientists noticed animals with backbones (vertebrates) had similar bone structure May differ in form or function Example: limb bones develop in similar patterns Arms, Wings, Legs, Flippers Develop through divergent evolution

6 Analogous Structures: structures that perform a similar function (in this example, flight) but are not similar in origin; develop through convergent evolution

7 Vestigial Structures: remnants of organs or structures that once had a function in an early ancestor

8 Similarities In Embryonic Development
Evidence for Evolution - Comparative Embryology Similarities In Embryonic Development

9 Chicken Turtle Rat

10 Human Fetus – 5 weeks

11 Similarities in DNA Sequence

12 Evolution of pesticide or antibiotic resistance in response to selection

13 Evidence for Evolution – Evolution Observed
Evolution of drug-resistance in HIV

14 Evolutionary Time Scales
Macroevolution: Long time scale events that create and destroy species.

15 Evolutionary Time Scales
Microevolution: Short time scale events (generation-to-generation) that change the genotypes and phenotypes of populations

16 p. 34 – Biological Resistance – copy the following questions, and leave spaces for your answers.
What do you think biological resistance is? How do you think that the first pesticide resistant tick got here? How could this example of pesticide resistance in ticks be similar to antibiotic resistance among bacteria? Is biological resistance an example of natural selection or artificial selection?

17 # of Drug Generation: Resistant Ticks:


19 Biological Resistance
Biological Resistance: resistance of a microorganism to a drug that was originally effective for treatment of infections caused by it.

20 Biological resistance happens through the overuse and misuse of drugs and pesticides.

21 Speciation Coevolution
The evolution of two or more species from a common ancestor Coevolution Two or more species evolve in response to changes in each other

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