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Megan Poor Date: Grade level/course: 8th grade History

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1 Megan Poor Date: 2-23-16 Grade level/course: 8th grade History
# of Students: 100 In order to improve the instructional coaching process our sessions will be recorded. These recordings will remain confidential and will only be used for the purpose of evaluating the instructional coach’s work. If you’d prefer not to have a session recorded, pleased just say so. 

2 Last Action Step Long Term Goal
1. Incorporate Show ME items 2 times throughout lesson. M/C, Four corner, kahoot. Answer garden, polling. Could do more of these. Do these sometimes but need to do more of it. 2. Cold calling students. Try to call 1 or 2 students in class. 3. Quick write at end of lesson-maybe exit ticket one time a week. T/F, quick writes, M/C change it up and make a variety Long Term Goal For students to be excited about themes throughout history- I know they are excited about it when they are answering and participating in class. Also, when they give their opinions and a stance on something. Able to see what they are interested in.

3 Gems! Steam Boat Willie: similarities and differences between todays movies and back then Note taking “sheet” for the next few lessons. Extra credit opp

4 Opportunities Doing group work today. BO rooms. Jobs for all students, specific items for each person to do.

5 Wonders….. Went good! I liked we did a lot of things together on board. The videos were fun for the students.

6 Goal – What’s your next step?
1. Incorporate Show ME items 2 times throughout lesson. M/C, Four corner, kahoot. Answer garden, polling, turn and talk. Could do more of these. Do these sometimes but need to do more of it. 2. Cold calling students. Try to call 1 or 2 students in class. 3. Quick write at end of lesson-maybe exit ticket one time a week. T/F, quick writes, M/C change it up and make a variety 4. Extra credit for students that send in a pic of their notes from class. How can I support your efforts this week?

7 Presenting Instructional Content
Modeling Visuals Logical Sequencing Personalization New concepts & ideas Concise Communication Essential Information

8 Standards & Objectives
State Standards & Learning Objectives Sub objectives Previous knowledge Expectations Evidence of Mastery

9 Adapting Instructional Content Reinforce and reward effort
Engaging Students Adapting Instructional Content Make it meaningful and relevant to students. Focus on inquiry, curiosity & exploration Learning Experiences Reinforce and reward effort

10 Two way, ongoing, instructive
Communication Two way, ongoing, instructive Building partnerships through communication Adjusting forms Finding multiple ways to reach families Resources Resolving technical issues quickly Impactful practices Sharing effective practices with families

11 Teacher Knowledge of Students
Learning Difficulties Cultural Heritage Differentiated Instruction Interests

12 Questioning Quality Purposeful & coherent Number Sequenced
Active Responses Plan out questions before hand. They are usually up on board. Higher level DOK and rigor for students this way. Wait Time Cold Call Student Inquiry

13 Thinking Teaching Thinking
How do you encourage your students to think In different ways? *Analytical *Practical * Creative * Research Based Student Opportunities What kinds of opportunities do you like to create that encourage students to: *Generate a variety of ideas *Analyze problems from multiple perspectives

14 Lesson Structure & Pacing
Start time Lesson Structure Pacing Routines Transitions

15 Differentiated Instruction
Academic Feedback Prompt thinking Assess individual progress Provide feedback. Use feedback to differentiate instruction. Provide opportunities for students to give feedback to one another. Quality Guided Practice Teacher Monitoring Differentiated Instruction Student Peer Feedback Academically focused and frequent, .

16 Assessment State Content Standards Student Current Progress
Additional Attempts Measurement Criteria Multiple Performance Measures Academic Technological Providers Written Tasks Performance Checks

17 Expectations Mistakes High Expectations Instructional Time
Are experiences created where most can succeed? Are students encouraged to learn from mistakes? Are they high and demanding? Instructional Time Student Initiatives Is instructional time optimized? Do students take initiative? Do they follow through on their in class work?

18 Wrap up & Next steps

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