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Ch. 26- Post War America 1945-1960.

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1 Ch. 26- Post War America

2 Eisenhower Era The 22nd amendment was ratified which limited presidential term limits, but didn’t apply to the current President Truman Truman served as president for 8 yrs. and decided to not run for re-election The election would be between Adlai Stevenson and Eisenhower (Ike)

3 Nixon and the checkers speech
Eisenhower chose Nixon as his Vice-Presidential running mate Nixon was accused of accepting $18,000 in political gifts Nixon did accept the gift, but made a speech to the public in which they forgave him It is known as the checkers speech

4 The Cold War Continues Eisenhower was able to end the Korean War in July 1953 His Secretary of State John Foster Dulles encouraged the idea of brinkmanship over containment. He wanted to threaten war, without actually going He also liked massive retaliation in which we needed more nuclear weapons

5 CIA The CIA is created in 1947 to collect information and spy on foreign governments

6 Joseph Stalin Dies Stalin dies in March 1953
He was succeeded by Nikita Khrushchev He was still a communist dictator and the Soviet Union a rival of the United States Soviet Union creates the Warsaw Pact which was a military alliance controlled by the Soviet Union and similar to our NATO


8 U.S. –Soviet Relations Eisenhower suggested an ‘open skies proposal’ to the Soviet Union so that we could monitor each other’s military activity and not suspect the worst, it was rejected by the Soviets. Eisenhower ran again against Stevenson and won reelection.

9 Spy Eisenhower sent U-2 aircraft in to spy on the Soviets, but the plane was shot down and our pilot, Gary Powers, was captured. He was kept from when he was released in exchange for a captured Soviet spy.

10 Separation of Vietnam France couldn’t keep control of its colony of Vietnam. Vietnam ended up dividing North became communist This was supposed to be temporary until elections were held SEATO was created to stop communism in Asia


12 Israel and Palestine 1948- Israel declared their independence
This is a Jewish country surrounded by Arab nations Excellent 6 minute video on Israeli Palestinian conflict

13 Suez Conflict A war breaks out between Israel and the nations of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon Israel won Egypt’s new leader gets support from Russia We withdraw money from a major Egyptian Dam project Russia takes control of the Suez Canal In response, Israel launches an attack against Egypt Eisenhower demanded all invaders leave Egypt

14 Eisenhower Doctrine States that the U.S. can help, on request, any nation in the Middle East trying to resist communist aggression

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