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Vocabulary Week 13.

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1 Vocabulary Week 13

2 Circle Map Definition Term Examples/Synonyms Non-Examples Antonyms
Frame Of Reference Characteristics/ Drawing Definition Term Non-Examples Antonyms Examples/Synonyms

3 Convey Classified Glint Inherently Objective Recounted Scope Virtue

4 I had to convey my dissatisfaction with the post office about my packages being left in the mud. Convey verb. To make an idea understood to someone.

5 Pluto is best classified as a planetoid due to the fact that it is too small to be compared to any other planet. Classified verb. Arranged in category

6 I saw the moon glint in the water as our boat streamed down the river
I saw the moon glint in the water as our boat streamed down the river. Glint verb. Shine

7 People are inherently good. inherently adv. Existing characteristic

8 Psychiatrists try to be objective and try not to judge their clients, no matter what is shared. Objective adj. not influenced by personal feelings when considering facts.

9 My grandfather recounted war stories in his favorite chair after Thanksgiving dinner. Recounted verb. retold

10 Police broadened the scope of the investigation once the victim’s family were no longer suspected of the murder. Scope adj. the area that is included in or dealt with by something

11 Virtue is its own reward; you do not have to be rewarded with money, fame or praise. Virtue noun. Morally good behavior

12 Mnemonic Devices Exemplars: Benevolent- a doer of good Be-not-violent Morose- gloomy Someone who dies gets more roses. Laden- full Six laid in the bed and it was crowded.

13 Mnemonic Devices Exemplars: Attire-dress Customers dress casually at tire shops. Rampant- Wild I ran, pants down. Depict- represented Dee picked a flag shirt to wear on the 4th of July. After we go thru today’s words I want to see what you can come up with It doesn’t have to have the exact word in it, but close in pronunciation.

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